Break Down Read online

Page 15

  I let out a sigh, holding my hands up, “Okay, I believe you, come on let’s go.” He nods his head, holds my hand, and we head to the buggy. The panic has finally subsided and excitement is now in its place.

  Chapter 29


  We finally pull into the shed to park up the buggy. It was a long arvo, but bloody fantastic. I haven’t had that much fun with a chick in fucking ages. The boys and Asha were excited over everything; they each had a go of driving the buggy. The boys almost flipping us a couple of times, both of them have a lead foot. They must get it from their dad, Charge does everything at high speed. He’s always been the first brother to charge into all situations, crazy fucker. After Wyatt and Mitchell were born though, Indie put a stop to that. I didn’t have a problem with it, but Charge did. Indie almost left him over it; in the end love won out.

  “Asha, I need to take the boys home, will you be okay here for a couple of hours?”

  Nodding she says, “Yeah, of course. Bye, boys, thanks for coming with us today.” The boys both wave to her and climb into my truck.

  “Oh, Zeke, do you want me to get dinner started?”

  “Nah, I’ll pick up something on the way back. We can cook it on the barbeque, but there’s all the ingredients you need to make a salad if you want to whip that up, ready for when I get back.” She nods her head, gives me a wave, and walks inside. My stomach twists a little as I watch her walk away, I don’t like leaving her.

  Half an hour later I have dropped the boys off to their mum. She’s happy to have them home. They can’t wait until they are inside to tell her about their day. They race up, almost barrelling her over, both of them speaking at the same time, trying to out talk the other. Ruffing the boy’s hair, I smile, and say goodbye to Indie.

  Looking down at my phone, I see I have enough time to make a quick stop at the clubhouse before I pick dinner up. All of the brothers are in the bar, as usual. This time, Bullet is kicked back on the lounge, Nikita bobbing up and down on his cock, moaning away. As I’m about to turn away, she spots me. With a look of seduction, she starts going to town on Bullet’s cock, deep throating faster, until finally Bullets blows in her mouth. Making a show of it, she licks him clean. When she’s done, she winks at me. Grabbing her by the hair, pulling her head back, Bullet says, “Righto, piss off. I’m done.” With an evil smirk, she flips him off and stalks away.

  Laughing, I say, “Nice, mate, real nice.”

  Slapping me on the back he says, “No other way, Brother. That’s what these bitches are for.” All I can do is shake my head.

  Cash walks up to us at the bar and says, “What are you doing back here, Zeke? Thought you would be home entertaining that sweet pussy of yours?”

  Reaching out, I push my hand hard into his chest, knocking him on his arse. “You about done? I thought we talked about this in church yesterday? You still not got it through that dense fucking skull of yours? Fucking dipshit. Keep your fucking mouth shut about my fucking girl, or next time, your pretty boy mouth is going to meet my fist, got it?”

  I’m about to jab my boot in his ribs, when Maps and Bullet each grab ahold of me, “What the fuck is wrong with you, Boss?” Bullet is hissing in my ear.

  “Yeah, I’m with Bullet, What the fuck is your problem, Zeke?” Maps says, gripping my shoulder tighter.

  Shaking out of their hold, I spin around to face them. I point a finger in my chest, “My problem? My fucking problem?” I point over to where Cash is still laying on the ground, “He’s my fucking problem. For once, just fucking once, I want this fucker to keep his mouth shut. Is that too hard to ask, is it?”

  Maps and Bullet both shake their heads. Maps growls, “This chick has you twisted, Brother.”

  I’m angry now, so fucking angry at all three of them. Walking over to the lounge, I fall into it, lean my elbows on my knees, putting my head in my hands. “Fucking hell, I just don’t fucking know anymore. It’s not her fault; it’s mine. What the fuck is wrong with me?” Lifting my head, I spread my arms out, “Before all of this…I. was. Fine. Everything was fucking fine…but…now…fucking hell…I think I’m falling in love with her…how fucking ridiculous is that, Brothers? Once the two weeks is up, I’m getting her back to Vince, somehow, even if these feelings are still here. I can’t keep her here. She’s not safe with me, but, she will be with her brother and his club.”

  Cash comes to sit next to me on the couch, he pats me on the back, “I’m sorry. It’s just, since all of this shit has gone down, everything seems to be fucking up left, right and centre. Fuck, man, I just want to get on my bike and hit the highway.”

  Looking over at him, “Shit. I’m the one that should be fucking sorry, Brother.” Pointing to my heart, “I’m letting this, right here, rule my decisions, instead of this.” I point to my head. “I need to get my shit together.”

  All three of them nod their heads, Maps says, “Yeah, Brother, you do.”

  Bullet clears his throat and says, “You got a plan together yet, Boss? We need to set this trap soon.”

  Shaking my head, “Nah, not yet. I have a few ideas running through my head, I just need to tie them together, that’s all.” Looking back at Cash, I say, “Cancel Thursday’s church meeting and move it to Saturday. I don’t want the prospects in on this meeting, so send them all to the garage for a couple of hours. Set up the meeting with the brothers for Saturday, 10:00 a.m.” Standing up, I stretch, turning to walk out the door and call over my shoulder, “I’ll see you all Saturday.”

  Chapter 30


  *Traitor – They know something is up. I can’t do too much now or they are gonna figure out what I’m up to and who I am. The girl is still at Zeke’s place. Every time he comes here, he leaves her out there all alone. I’ll get closer. I want to hurt her. I need to get rid of her. Let me help you?

  *Dexter – No. Don’t touch her. She’s mine to fuck with; her and the others. I’ll send word when I want you to do anything. I mean it. Do. Not. Touch. Her.

  Chapter 31


  I go for a quick shower before I start making the salad. I find Zeke’s mp3 player and put it on random. A few good songs have played, and then “Red, Red, Wine” by UB40 starts to play. I don’t know why but I love this song and start swaying my hips to the music. I finish the salad, turn around to put it in the fridge and I feel someone pressed against my back. A pair of hands grabs my hips and start moving with me. Fuck, I hope its Zeke. My silent thoughts are answered when he pulls my hair back over my shoulder, leans into my neck, and whispers into my ear, “You are so fucking sexy, Sweetheart. The things you do to me.” I don’t say anything as we keep moving together to the music. When the song finishes, Zeke spins me around and says, “Fuck, I need a cold shower.”

  Laughing I say, “I think I need one, too.”

  Zeke takes a deep breath and with a serious look on his face, says, “Don’t tease me, Asha. It’s not nice. Especially, when it’s taking all of my fucking restraint not to touch that, gorgeous, sweet body of yours. My cock is aching to be inside you, Asha.”

  I stare wide-eyed at Zeke after hearing that last part of his speech. Oh, my God, I would love to have his cock inside me, but it’s not like I can just say, “C’mon, Zeke, let’s go. I want to ride that big, hard cock all night long.” Even I’m not that forward, and I’m a girl, we aren’t supposed to be dirty minded hussies. We are supposed to be sugary sweet princesses. Ha-ha, yeah, right, I’d way rather be the dirty minded hussy, that’s for sure. In my head I’m picturing Zeke starkers, his hard cock standing to attention. At least, until I hear a throat clearing. I look over at Zeke; he has the biggest smirk on his face as his says, “Was I interrupting something?”

  I feel my face go bright red as I lie, “No. I’m going to have a quick shower while you get dinner cooked on the barbeque. I’ve already made the salad.” Feeling my nipples harden, I know I need to get out of the kitchen, now; before I open my mouth, and tell him just how m
uch I would love to see his hard cock. I quickly flee from the kitchen, making my way to the shower. I am so turned on right now. Shit. I need an ice-cold water, now!

  Chapter 32


  I fucking knew it; she fucking wants me, bad. My heart jumps at that. I know she has feelings for me, I just don’t know if they are the same as what I feel for her. I want to ask her. I really want to fucking ask her, but I know I need to let her go after these two weeks, no matter what we both feel. Fucking hell, the big bad biker has sugary fucking feelings like a pussy. I need to get the gloves out after church on Saturday; I need one of the brothers to knock some sense into me.

  As I ponder these thoughts over in my head, I grab a beer out of the fridge, and make my way out onto the back veranda. Passing the bathroom I hear Asha talking, what the fuck? I stop to listen, leaning in closer to the door. I’m speechless as I hear Asha letting out small moans and my name. Straight away I put down the meat and beer. Fuck yeah, I’m not missing out on this show. Opening the door slowly, I see Asha under the shower, head thrown back and her fingers circling her clit. She doesn’t know I’m in here, so I undo the zip on my jeans and pull out my already hard cock. There’s already a bead of pre-cum there, so I use it to lube my cock. Gripping hard, I start pumping my fist up and down my cock, in time to Asha’s circling finger. Her breathing is getting heavy and she’s starting to pant. I know she’s close, so I pump faster. That’s when she locks eyes with me; I expect her to stop. But the cheeky girl slides a finger into her pussy while she uses her other hand to keep rubbing her clit; her eyes never leaving mine. Holy fuck, she’s stunning like this. I want to go over there and fuck her senseless, but this is just as sweet. It only takes a few minutes more of Asha rubbing herself before she moans out my name with her orgasm, making my dick explode. Both of us freeze in place, staring intently at each other, our breathing heavy.

  I’m about to speak when Asha says breathlessly, “Enjoy the show, Hot Stuff? I sure did!”

  A loud laugh comes from me as I say, “Fucking oath, Beauty. I haven’t had that much R-rated fun, in a long time. Now move over I need to clean up.” Asha gets out of the shower while I get in, but I catch hold of her arm as I say, “Uh, uh, Beauty, I need you in here with me.” She just nods. We soap each other’s bodies, sticking to exploration only, this time.

  Asha and I enjoy our dinner out on the veranda. Afterwards, we kickback, as we watch the sunset. Asha moves close, snuggling into my side. I wrap my arm around her tighter, breathing in her sweet scent. With a kiss on top of her head, I say softly, “I want you to stay here forever with me, Asha.” She doesn’t answer, so I peek down at her and find she’s fast asleep. “I love you, Asha, but I can’t keep you, Sweetheart. These two weeks are going to be the toughest two weeks of my life.” With a sigh, I lift Asha into my arms and carry her down to her room. I’m too tired to walk back to my room, so I lay down next to her, and fall asleep there.

  The next few days go by pretty fast. I take Asha out on the property every day, showing her different dams and paddocks. We go swimming every afternoon, mainly because I can’t get enough of her sexy body wrapped in a bikini. On Tuesday, we fed the chooks and collected eggs; Asha was hilarious. I never would have picked her to be afraid of any type of bird, but as it turns out, a not very well flying chook had her screaming, and hiding behind me. I pissed myself laughing, Asha wasn’t too impressed at me, but a little more time spent in the chicken coop, a few more flapping chooks, and she finally calmed down enough to feel okay to be in there.

  Wednesday, we fed the pigs. To my surprise, Dutch and Duchess were now the proud parents of five little royal piglets. We stayed there for half the day; Asha was obsessed with them. All I heard on the buggy ride home was how cute they were, and could we bring them closer to the house? My reply to that was simple, “No, Sweetheart. They have to stay with their mum. I have nothing built for them closer to the house. I do let them out. They normally wander up to the house, grazing around, eating whatever they can find. Now that the piglets are here, we will have to wait until they are a bit bigger before I let them out to explore with Dutch and Duchess. They are bloody great for keeping the snakes down.”

  With a huff, “Okay, Zeke. Can we go back tomorrow, please?”

  With a laugh I say, “Yeah, Beauty, of course we can. We’ll need to go back tonight and check on them again. There’s a chance Duchess or Dutch could trample any of them, but hopefully, they will be fine, this is their third lot of piglets.”

  Her voice rising, Asha sounds panicked when she says, “What? That happens, oh God, I hope not.”

  I look over at her, she has glassy eyes, and I know she’s starting to get upset. Fuck. I should have kept my mouth shut, now I’ve upset her, again. I stop the buggy and pull Asha into my arms, “We’re in the bush, it’s nature, Asha. Only the strong survive out here, Sweetheart. I’m sorry for upsetting you. I really am, but these things happen, they can’t be helped. Come on let’s get back to the house and have some lunch.” With a sad smile she nods her head at me. I still haven’t convinced her to come horse riding with me, though. She’s still scared of them. I can’t blame her; I’ve had a few near misses. They can be scary, because they are big animals. They are flight animals, so when they freak out, they run; no matter who’s in front or behind them.

  Today, we have Asha’s doctor appointment and I have an important meeting with the brothers. Today I let the rest of the brothers know about the traitor. We need to set the trap for them, now. I’ll be heading straight to the clubhouse as soon as I drop Asha off to the doc’s place. I stop out the front of Doc’s place, “Asha, are you gonna be alright going in by yourself? I need to get to this meeting, the boss will have my arse if I’m late.”

  With a huge smile, Asha reaches over and rubs my thigh, “Yeah. I’ll be fine. I’ll see you when you come back, yeah?”

  I grab ahold of her hand, moving it up to my growing hard on, “Yeah, Beauty, I’ll be back in an hour and a half.”

  Asha squeezes my dick, plants a big fat kiss on my lips, licks my bottom lip, and then launches herself out of the truck. She turns giving me a wink, “Enjoy your meeting, Zeke.” She skips away too quickly, for me to reply. Turning my head back to the road, I take off for the clubhouse. Damn that bloody wink; gets me hard every time. Not to mention the way she squeezed my dick. Shit, I need another cold shower.

  Arriving at the clubhouse, I head down to see Pops. I need to let him in on the plan, before I tell the others. I need his approval. Opening his door, I expect to see him getting another blowjob, but fuck. This time he has one of the whores bent over his desk, fucking her hard. Instead of interrupting them this time, I back out of his office. I head down the hall and go see what the boys are up to, I pass Nikita on the way. She tries to smile seductively at me, but I ignore her and keep walking. I don’t want to give her false hope. I don’t ever want to touch her again. As I reach the end of the hallway, a bottle of nail polish sails past my head. Spinning around, I expect her to have fled the scene. But nope, she’s standing there, proud as punch; a nasty smirk on her face. I know what she’s doing, she’s egging me on, trying to get any attention possible from me. Not this time, bitch. Fuck knows what I’m going to do once Asha is back with the Chaos Crusaders. My dick is going to fucking hate me. As I reach the chapel I find all of the brothers in there already. All at once they look up, guilty, as if they were all having a good old chinwag about me. “Morning, boys. What’s going on?”

  All but Cash looks away from me, “Hey, Boss. Not much, just hanging out, waiting for you. You’re here early.”

  With a snort, I say, “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  With a shake of his head his voice growing serious, “Nothing, nothing, at all, Brother. Forget I said anything, yeah?”

  Rubbing my forehead, “Yeah, whatever. I’m sure. Look, I’m sorry for how I’ve been behaving. Give it another week, and the girl will be going back, okay?” Looking around at each of the
brothers, they are fidgeting around like bloody toddlers. “Seriously, what the fuck is going on with you lot?”

  Bullet sighs and says, “One of the whores is knocked up.”

  Whipping my head up, I yell, “What the fuck? Which one of you fuckers hasn’t been using a fucking dinger? You fucking idiots!”

  None of them are saying anything. Charge pipes up, “Don’t look at me, the only woman I fuck is my old lady. The only thing I get off those whores is a drunken blow job. It ain’t me, Brother.”

  I shake my head angrily, “For Christ’s sake, when is something gonna go right around here?” Scraping a hand over my head, I turn and head for the door, shouting, “I gotta go have a chat with Pops, someone better have answers when I get back.” I slam the door as I walk out. Stupid, stupid motherfuckers. I can’t believe this shit. Can’t even keep their dicks wrapped up. This time when I open the Old Man’s door he’s sitting behind his desk, no whore in sight. Thank fuck for that; if I have to go back into the chapel, right now, I’m going to end up punching someone. “Morning, Pops.”

  Pops looks up at me, “Morning, Son. What are you doing here? I thought you were babysitting?”

  I walk closer to his desk, and slam my fist down, “Not in the mood, Pops. Not in the fucking mood. You know how I feel about this girl, but you still gotta make fun. I’ll still be handing her back within the week. It’s not fucking safe for her here.”

  Rolling his chair back a bit, he stands, both hands on the desk in front of him, “Righto, Son. Calm yourself down. I knew you liked this girl, but I didn’t realise how much you liked her. What’s the go with that, Zeke?”

  “Dammit, I don’t know Pops, I think…I think I’ve fallen in love with her.” With a sarcastic laugh I say, “Fuck, that even sounds crazy to my ears. It’s too soon. Maybe it’s just an infatuation. I don’t fucking know anymore. Help me out here, Pops. Give me some fatherly advice.”