Break Down Read online

Page 14

  Tilly clears her throat, poking Saint in the chest, “Listen here, Buddy. Don’t forget you have me, Cassie, and Gwen too. Never forget that, okay? I know you boys don’t like sharing your precious biker feelings, but just know I’m here if you need a shoulder, okay?”

  Laughing, Saint says, “Sure, Babe, I won’t forget.”

  Moving off Saint’s lap, Tilly stands and says, “You boys want a drink? I know you didn’t just come around here to see how I was.”

  Shaking my head, I say, “No drink for me, thanks.” Running a hand roughly through my hair I say, “Shit, Tilly when you say it like that, I feel like a prick. I’m sorry, I have been meaning to come round and see how you are, but looking for Asha has been taking up all of my time.”

  Tilly looks down at me, then looks over to Saint, “You want a drink, Saint? I’m going to make myself a coffee before we chat.”

  Saint gets up, “Yeah sure, Tilly, that would be great, thanks.”

  Nodding, Tilly turns and walks into the kitchen. Saint turns to me, and says, “Fucking hell, Vince, that was harsh, don’t you think? We should have called her before we come round here, she’s a bloody wreck.”

  “Yeah, I know, Brother, but we need to ask her. I need some answers, I’m getting fucking desperate, and time is running out.”

  Nodding, Saint says, “Okay, yeah. At least ask her how Cassie and Gwen are doing first, before we get into the serious stuff.”

  Before I can answer him, Tilly walks back into the lounge room with their coffees. Once she sits back down on the lounge, I ask, “How are the girls doing?”

  Taking a deep breath, Tilly says, “Truthfully, Vince, not too good. Cassie is doing a lot better than Gwen, that’s for sure. The big cut on her chest is healing, and all of the small cuts have already healed. I’m picking her up this afternoon, actually.”

  “That’s fucking great news. What about Gwen?”

  Tilly takes a sip of her coffee before shaking her head, “Not good, not good at all, Vince. I got a call from the hospital the other night at 11:00 p.m. They rang to tell me Gwen had tried to slash her wrists. From what they told me, fuck, she was so close…so close to ending it. It’s fucking too scary to think about. The only reason she didn’t fucking die was because of the shift nurse. When Gwen passed out, she leaned on the call button. I was so panicked, and rushed there to be with her. I didn’t know what else to do. Fuck me what I was going to say to her when she came to. I slept there that night. When Gwen woke up the next morning and saw me there, I could see the guilt and shame in her eyes. We both fell apart and just cried. I cuddled her until she fell asleep. When she woke again later, we had a good chat. She told me she didn’t know why she did it, but she was sorry for putting me through that. I think the shock of losing her leg, and all of the shit she has to go through over the next year, got to her. She panicked, not knowing what else to do. I know we are here for her to talk to, but she doesn’t want to upset us even more, you know. Anyways, once the wound is healed, she will be moved to the physiotherapy ward, where they will work with her. After that they will organise a prosthetic leg for her, then there will be more physiotherapy. Gwen has a long road ahead of her; she will need all the support we can give her. So, yeah, that’s how the girls and I are doing. It’s far from fucking great, but with each other, we will make it through. I can’t believe this whole mess. Each of us has had our lives break down. Every morning I wake up and pinch myself hard, just to see if I can wake myself up from this nightmare we’re calling life.”

  Blowing out a huge breath, I say, “Well, fuck me, that’s just fucking brilliant. I’ll make sure I come back around to see Cassie and I’ll get into the hospital tomorrow to see Gwen.”

  Nodding her head, Tilly says, “Okay, Vince. Now, what did you want to ask me about?”

  Rubbing my eyes, “It’s just about the pub that you girls went to. I know you were hanging with a few blokes there. I need to know if you remember them; names, looks, anything you can tell me?”

  Tilly lifts an eyebrow, “Okay…but, how did you know about the guys?”

  “We went for a ride along the route you girls took, and checked in at the stops Asha told me about. I needed to see for myself, plus the cops weren’t being much help. So, I took it upon myself to go. We went to the motel, but the old chick there didn’t tell us much, so we went to the pub. The barmaid said you all had dinner, and were hanging out with a few blokes. It got me thinking, that’s all. Whether they were just some random blokes, or did they have a hidden agenda, that’s all, Till.”

  Tilly smirks, “Well, they were just some random dudes; they asked us to play a few games of pool with them, and we did. We all had drinks, flirted, played pool, and danced; it was a great night. Asha hit it off with one of the guys…shit what it is again; I hadn’t heard it before. Shit, what was it…got it? His name was, Zeke.”

  Slamming my fist down on the coffee table, I yell, “Fuck! Tilly are you fucking sure that’s what the fucker’s name was? Shit. Shit. Shit. That motherfucker. Wait until I talk to that piece of shit.”

  Tilly jumps and then holds her hands up, “Whoa, hold up, Vince. What’s the problem? This guy told us him and his mates were just passing through, said they were on their way home.”

  “Nothing. Don’t worry about it, Til, I should have kept my mouth shut. It’s probably not the same person, anyway. Look, I’m sorry to cut this short, but we need to leave. I need to follow up this lead. I’ll come back tomorrow, alright, so I can see you and Cassie.”

  “Uhhh, yeah, sure, Vince, no worries. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Tilly says as Saint and I walk out the door.

  Chapter 26


  It was so hot last night, I couldn’t get to sleep in my room. I had the fan on, too. I took a chance and decided to go sleep in Zeke’s bed, he had the air-conditioner going up there. When I got to the top of those steps, I was careful not to trip myself up, this time. Climbing into his bed, I realised it was empty; he wasn’t in it. Thinking maybe he was outside checking on his animals, I didn’t think anything more of it. I was about to climb into his bed, when I picked up his shirt, bringing it close; I inhaled the delicious, manly smell that is Zeke. Without a second thought, I took off my own clothes to put on Zeke’s shirt instead. Lying down, surrounded in Zeke’s mouth-watering scent, I fell fast asleep. I don’t know how long I’d been asleep, when I woke in the middle of the night from the most horrifying nightmare, ever. I was dreaming of Zeke. We were out at one of his dams having a picnic, when all of a sudden; he said he had to go. I stood up to go with him, but he shook his head, and said, “No, Asha. You can’t come this time, I can’t keep you safe, but if you stay here, I know you will be safe. Stay here until I come back, okay?”

  I was confused as hell, and said, “No way, Zeke, I don’t…I don’t feel safe out here, please take me with you, please.” With tears welling in my eyes, I continued to beg him to bring me with him. Falling to my knees, with my head in my hands, I began to cry louder, my body shaking. The soothing I expected to feel from Zeke never came, so I looked up to see why. But, when I looked around, he was gone and so was his car. Everything, including the picnic was gone. For some reason, I looked over towards the dam. All of a sudden, all of these faceless, mangled people started walking out of it. I don’t know what had happened to them, but I was so scared. I began screaming and shouting for Zeke. My thrashing around woke me up. I don’t know when Zeke had come to bed, but he was there to wrap his arms around me. After that nightmare I needed him so badly. He was there to calm me down. As soon as I felt his strong arms around me, and heard his soft voice, I felt safe, and fell back to sleep.

  My side of the bed dips, and I feel a feather soft kiss on the top of my head. Smiling, I slowly open my eyes. Zeke is staring intently at me, “Morning, Beauty. You okay this morning? Must have been some nightmare you were having, it took me a couple of goes to calm you down.”

  Wiping my eyes, I yawn, “Hmmm, morning. Yeah, Zeke, I’m
okay. Still tired though, can I go back to sleep, please?”

  Laughing, he brings his hand down and slaps my bum, “No way, Beauty. We have visitors, they’ll be here soon, so you need to get up.”

  I begin to protest, “Pretty please, I only need another hour, I’ll be good. I’ll do anything for you, Zeke, I prom…” Squealing as he grabs my foot and pulls me down to the bottom of his bed.

  My feet are being tickled while he says, “Now, now, Sweetheart. If you make any more promises like that, I’m going to fucking make you stick to them, and I’ll enjoy every minute. I promise.”

  Crap! I can’t believe I just said those things, crazy. I’m sleep deprived, that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it. “Okay, okay. Stop, please stop! I won’t be held responsible for kicking you, Zeke. Ahhhhhhhh, stop!”

  Laughing he lets go of my foot, “Trust me, Asha, you’ll never get out of my hold long enough to kick me. Stop changing the subject, anyway. Are you going to tell me, what you were dreaming about? You scared the shit out of me. I come home, and was about to climb into bed when you started screaming. I raced over here; I thought you were hurt, or something was wrong with your head. Fuck. I’m having second thoughts about having you here, Asha. Maybe the doc’s place would be better. I don’t know.” Zeke roughly runs both of his hands over his head and down his face, then talking quietly, “I don’t know what I would do if something happened to you, Asha. It would be all my fault, maybe I should take you back to the doc’s place?”

  He doesn’t even give me a chance to speak, let alone answer because he stands up, and walks away, again.

  Maybe I shouldn’t stay here. Deciding to think about this later, I get off the bed, and make my way back to my room. Before I get there, I hear Zeke calling out to me, I don’t know what he’s saying, so instead of getting dressed, I walk out to see what he wants.

  Chapter 27


  I fucking did it again; I’m forever upsetting her. I need to get my head clear. Pulling my phone out of my pocket I check the time, it’s 10.30 a.m. Shit, I need to get ready. I call out to Asha, “Asha, you need to get out of bed, Beauty. Our visitors will be here in half an hour. I need to head out to the shed and get the buggy ready.

  Asha comes walking down the hallway, “I’m up, I’m up alright, no need to get your knickers in knots, Zeke.”

  “Sweetheart, really? Knickers? I don’t fucking think so, I’m a man, and we wear boxer shorts. Come closer and I’ll show you what I’ve got under my jeans, if you’re game?” With a smirk, Asha walks past me towards the fridge, and pinches my arse on the way, shocking the hell out of me. My dick stands to attention.

  In one swift movement, I grab her around the waist lifting her up. I place her on the bench, in front of me. She still has on my shirt; which makes my dick harder. Spreading her legs wider, I move between them, my hands slowly moving up her thighs, pushing the t-shirt up. I hear her moan and know she wants this, fuck, so do I. Stopping my hands, I move my thumbs up and down, rubbing her inner thighs. I’m so close to her pussy, I can feel the heat and smell her arousal. Lifting my eyes to hers, they are full of desire, “Shirt off, Asha.” Without hesitation she lifts the shirt over her head. I’m speechless as I take in her gorgeous body, coming to a stop at her tits, big, round, delectable titties. Her pretty pink nipples have hardened. I can’t help myself, I take one in my mouth, sucking gently. Her body shakes and she lets out a low moan. Her whole body is flushed; she’s so turned on. With a small pop, I let go of her nipple, telling her, “Lay back, Asha.” Helping her, she lays back. She’s nervous, but isn’t going to stop this. She knows she’s safe with me; I won’t hurt her. At least, no more then I already have. “You’re in luck this morning, I haven’t had breakfast, do you mind if I eat, now?”

  Asha lifts her head and looks at me, confused. “Huh?”

  With a smirk, I tell her, “Don’t move, Asha.” I lean over, grabbing the bottle of honey off the tray. Twisting the top, I tip the bottle upside down, and squeeze a line from the hollow of her throat all the way down to her pussy; sweet, sweet honey. I drag my finger down the line of honey then bring my finger to my mouth and suck, Asha’s eyes never leaving mine. “Like something you see, Sweetheart?” The only answer I get from her is a nod and a shy smile. Instead of using my finger, I use my tongue; licking and sucking away at the honey, until I reach her pussy.

  She stills, but only for a moment, “Zeke, oh, my God. Please don’t stop.”

  With a plea like that, who am I to turn her down? “Mmmm, the breakfast of champions.” I take my fingers and spread her pussy lips. Using my tongue I take my first lick from her wet opening all the way up to her clit. Using my tongue with a little more pressure, I start to lick around her clit. I hear her moans getting louder, her breathing becoming ragged. She’s starting to thrust her hips, pushing her pussy further into my face. I know she needs more, so I add a finger and begin entering her, in and out. Adding another finger, I hear her calling out my name. I use more pressure with my tongue and plunge my fingers into her faster until I hear her cry out my name, again. I lick and suck away all of her juices, bringing her down from her orgasm. I start to kiss my way back up her body when I hear a loud knock at the door. “Fuck.”

  Chapter 28


  Sweet mother of God! That orgasm was amazing. Finally, he didn’t leave me hanging. I’m still breathing heavy when I hear knocking at the door. Oh fuck! I jump off the bench, running down the hallway with Zeke laughing loudly.

  “Don’t worry, Sweetheart, I’ll get the door,” he says as the sink turns on.

  Once I’m dressed, I walk back out to see his guests; I’m nervous. I look over to the lounge room, and there are two teenage boys sitting on the sofa. Zeke is nowhere in sight. I’m tempted to go back and hide in my room. Before I have a chance to turnaround, Zeke strolls through the door wiping his hands on a rag. He looks up, his eyes finding me, and he gives me a gorgeous smile.

  “Hey, Beauty. Have you met the young fellas, yet? Their mum just dropped them off for the arvo.”

  No, no, no. This can’t be happening. He has kids, fucking hell. Can I handle kids? Oh God, this is going to shit, I want to run and fast. Instead I shake my head, “No, not yet. I only just got dressed.”

  Zeke smirks, whispering low so only I hear him, “That’s a shame, Asha, a damn shame. I promise you now, I will have you. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but I will fuck you, Sweetheart.”

  “It’s a promise I hope you’ll keep, too, Hot Stuff. Too long have you pulled me to the edge only to walk away, and leave me wanting more.”

  Zeke lets a hearty laugh and shakes his head, “Not this time.” Looking over to the lounge he calls the boys over, “Hey guys, this is Asha, she’s my girlfriend.” Pointing to each of the boys he says, “This is Wyatt and Mitchell. They are my mate’s boys. They were driving their mum crazy, so I suggested she bring them out here and we could try to wear them out for her. So they are coming on a picnic with us today, but first we are gonna go for a ride in the buggy and check the cattle.” The boys say their hellos, staring at my boobs, teenage boys, gotta love them.

  Thank God for that, they aren’t his kids. God, I’m being a selfish bitch. Clearing my throat, both boys look up at me with guilty looks. “Hi, guys, nice to meet you both.” I look over to Zeke, panic starting to set in. I’m getting a déjà vu moment from this morning’s nightmare – a picnic, the buggy, him leaving me, which technically hasn’t happened yet, but who knows. “A picnic? Okay, do you mind if I stay here Zeke?”

  He looks confused as he says, “Wyatt, Mitchell, can you wait out in the buggy for me, guys? I need to make sure we have enough food for lunch.” The boys nod their heads and start walking towards the door when Zeke sternly says, “Don’t touch anything and don’t start it.” Both boys smirk, but nod their heads, walking outside. Turning his gaze on me, “What’s wrong? I thought you would love to have a picnic with me, what’s changed, Asha?”

/>   Shrugging my shoulders, “I don’t know, I’m just not feeling well, I think I should stay here and rest.”

  Raising his voice he says, “Bullshit, Asha. Tell me, now. What’s really the matter?”

  Throwing my hands in the air, I huff out, “Fine. In my nightmare last night, we went for a picnic, and it was going good until you left me, Zeke. I…just…never mind it’s stupid.” I turn to go back to my room when he grabs my arm, spinning me around.

  “Fuck.” Gently holding my cheek in one hand, he rubs his thumb up and down my cheek, soothingly, “Asha, look at me, please. I need to see your eyes when I tell you this.” I look up into his deep brown eyes; they hold so much within them. I wish I could read his mind. Holding my chin he says, “Listen to me when I say this, I’m not going to leave you, never, not now, not ever, okay?” Without letting me answer his pulls me close, planting a kiss on my lips. He licks my bottom lip, and slowly I open my mouth to him. His tongue slowly finds mine. Gently exploring each other’s mouth. When he pulls back, he looks down at me and says, “Damn, I’m never going to get enough of you, Beauty. Come on we better go check on the boys. I’m surprised they haven’t taken off in the buggy, yet.” Walking over to the fridge, he pulls out a basket, looks over to me and grins.

  “Wow, what time were you up this morning? When did you plan this? I hope it’s full of yummy food.”

  Snorting he says, “What else are we gonna eat on a picnic, Asha? Are you volunteering your pussy again, Sweetheart? Wiggling his eyebrows, “Sorry to burst those dirty thoughts, but we will have two teenage boys with us, so not going to happen, but I can make it happen later.”

  Laughing, I slap his bum, “Bloody hell, Zeke. Is your mind always in the gutter? Those two boys,” pointing at the door, “could easily walk back in here and hear you. What would their mother think?”

  Standing with my hands on my hips, he laughs. “She’s an old la…I mean she works in a bar so I’m guessing the boys have heard worse, Asha.”