Break Down Read online


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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously and are coincidental. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

  All products mentioned in this book belong to their rightful owners.

  I do not claim any of these products to be my own.

  All Rights Reserved.

  Break Down

  Copyright © 2014 A.M. Gillham


  I would like to thank my amazing husband, Chris, because without his encouragement I wouldn’t have gone ahead and written this story. He has been bloody awesome throughout this whole journey. He’s not a reader but he has been patient with me when I forced him to read the sexy scenes and asked his honest opinion. For when I would ignore him to write a scene I needed to get down before I lost it. I couldn’t ask for a better husband and best friend, he truly is my number one! My kids also for not complaining too much when dinner was late, for when I was writing instead of playing with them. I love you guys so much.

  To my fantastic Editor, Karen at Barren Acres Editing. I took a chance when I went with you and I am so bloody glad I did. You are awesome! Thank you so much for the time and effort you put into editing my work and for always answering my sometimes simple questions. Even though we had to figure out our time differences we made it work. I look forward to working together again.

  To my amazing cover designer, Soxie, from Soxational Cover Art, you are bloody awesome! I loved your work when I first looked up your page. I have enjoyed working with you every step of the way while you designed my book cover. You did an excellent job, always listened to everything I wanted. I still can’t stop looking at my book cover, it’s beautiful. Thank you again! P.S. – Thank you for putting me in contact with Angel!

  To a fellow author, Angel Steel, who has been freaking amazing! Thank you so much for helping me with everything I needed and for letting me annoy you with all of my questions! I really can’t thank you enough, I appreciate your help and guidance so much! Thank you for being my formatter as well, I’m truly grateful.

  I also want to thank two BLOODY AWESOME AND SUPER AMAZING friends. They have been with me the whole way from the start. Zoe and Lana you girls are seriously A.M.A.Z.I.N.G! I can’t explain how much you ladies have helped and put my mind at ease when I thought hold on a minute maybe my writing isn’t good enough to go ahead with this idea. Thank you always! Love yas!

  To my beta readers – Patti, Dana, Tricia and Angel. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and give me feedback on my book. I really appreciate it. Thank you ladies so much, you rock!!


  I wasn’t going to do a dedication, but the more I thought about it the more I liked the idea. So I’m dedicating this book to my three beautiful babies. Todd, Sybylla and Issaac this book is for all of you. I want you each to know that you can do ANYTHING you want to do. Be brave, take that first step and give it all you got. Love you guys to the moon and back again.


  To my non Aussie readers this is a little glossary just for you. There are a few Aussie slangs words used throughout Break Down and I would hate for you to not understand them. Hopefully those are the only ones that you will need.

  Arvo – Afternoon

  Chooks – Hens/Chickens

  Ambos – Ambulance


  There are also two chapters that almost mirror each other. They are Asha and Zeke’s point of view of the same scene. I have tried to change it a little so that it wasn’t exactly the same, but there is still a lot that I left the same.

  Table of Content

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 1


  My alarm goes off at 7:00 a.m. Feeling excited, I jump out of bed and turn off my air conditioner. Flicking on the radio, I tune it to the local station that is replaying the top 40 countdown. I love my pop music; this morning loud pop music is definitely needed while I pack for this epic road trip. I really should have packed last night, but the strip club where I work, The Pretty Pussy, was packed. I was flat out; when I finally did get home, I was dead on my feet. After a cool shower, I flipped on the air-conditioner switch, crawled into bed, and passed out. The girls and I have planned this road trip, and we have been on freaking count down for the last three months. We need this trip away, so freaking badly. Cassie and Gwen broke up with their boyfriends, just over six months ago. Mel got promoted to supervisor at her job, in the local pharmacy, so she bloody deserves it. Tilly and I just need a break away from our duties at The Pretty Pussy and the Chaos Crusaders, my brother’s motorcycle club.

  While I’m getting dressed I take a quick look at my phone. Oh shit! I need to be ready. The girls will be here in an hour. Hell yeah, let the relaxing begin!

  I live in a small town on the coast in Queensland. We have amazing weather; tourists flock here all year round for their holidays. The beach and local shops are only a five minute walk from our beautiful old two storey Queenslander, which my parents renovated just before they died. My house is painted in antique white with firefly yellow trim, at the front of the house is a split staircase leading you up into our full wrap around veranda. Around the back of the house, there’s a dark timber deck that follows through into the house. My brother and I sit out there most nights after work with a nice cold beer, looking past the pool and out across the gorgeous mountain views. I love it here.

  The girls and I are heading down the coast for the road trip. I’ll be stopping in at the new strip club, The Emerald Pussy. It’s one of three new strip joints; I swear these boys have nothing but money and pussy on their bloody brains. The other two strip joints, The Ruby Pussy and The Diamond Pussy are closer to home.

  Setting my phone down next to my bag, I get back to packing. Bikinis…check, hot little bra and panty sets…check, cute dresses, jeans and tops… check. Shoes, sunnies, hat, and makeup… check, check, check and check. Yep, I think I’m just about packed.

  I’ve just slipped on my navy blue and white striped maxi dress; complimented with my new lip gloss, mascara and white sandals. I’m piling my long wavy, brown hair into a messy bun when I hear Vince calling to me and knocking at my door. “Come on in,” I shout over the music.

  Looking at my big brother, we have the same grey blue eyes. His tend to go bluer, where mine have alway
s stayed on the grey side but it always depends on my mood or the colour of the clothes I wear. Unfortunately, that’s where the similarities end. Vince is six-foot-three, and has sandy blonde hair, which he keeps long and cut into a Mohawk. He then insists on twisting and tying it, so it mimics that smoking hot Aussie guy’s hair on that Viking television show. I mean he’s smoking hot, he could be my king any day. Vince is bloody lucky because the style suits him and the ladies LOVE it. He is also built like a brick shithouse, so none of my past boyfriends have ever messed with me. I say past because, at the moment, I’m single and loving it. Vince is always working out at the gym when he’s not out on club business for the Chaos Crusaders.

  Our parents were killed in a house fire when I was fourteen and Vince was eighteen. Since then, he has always been there for me. Providing me with everything and anything I need. Dad was the founder and president of the Chaos Crusaders motorcycle club. When he died, Aim, one of dad’s good mates and vice president at the time, stepped up and took the president’s position, until Vince was old enough. On Vince’s twenty-first birthday, Aim stepped back down into the vice president’s position. Vince became president of the Chaos Crusaders. The other members were a great support unit for both Vince and I, after we lost our parents.

  The Chaos Crusader’s business and income is all legal and legit. There was no way my dad, Hunter Rowe, was going to start a motorcycle club that dealt in drugs or guns; not when he knew there was more money to be made in pussy. Two years before starting the motorcycle club he and my mum, Lylah Rowe, opened a strip club; The Golden Pussy. It was a respectable strip club: clean, classy, and had lots of business. The Golden Pussy became the first of many strip clubs owned and operated by the Chaos Crusaders MC. My friends used to say, “Oh my God, Asha, your parents own a strip club together, really, isn’t that weird?” I’ve never known anything different. I would always tell them, my parents were happy, they enjoyed running the club; together they made it work for them. My parents were happy and successful. I miss them a lot; they were amazing parents.

  The strip clubs are all along the coast, with a few inland. The strip clubs make up my brother’s club’s territory. There are three other motorcycle clubs bordering us; The Black Souls MC, those guys are dangerous and not to be messed with. I overheard Vince and the guys talking about what goes on in that club, and it scares the shit out of me. Satan’s Scoundrels are further down the coast, about 100kms from where The Emerald Pussy was built. My dad and their president were best friends growing up, but had a falling out over a girl and never spoke again. So, Vince only talks to their vice president. I’ve never seen him. From what the sweet butts say, he is also one of the hottest vice presidents around. Then, there’s The Triple B’s MC, also known as the Ball Busting Bitches MC. It’s a ladies only motorcycle club. The ladies are all former club whores who never became old ladies, old ladies who got sick of coming second to club business and the club whores; very interesting bunch of women, wild and carefree.

  “Ash, what day will you be heading back home?”

  Rolling my eyes I huff out, “Seriously, Vince? I’m 21, almost 22. The girls and I will be back on Wednesday arvo. We have one stop to make before I leave; at The Emerald Pussy. I won’t need to stay there long, I only need to check in on the new girls and make sure they have everything they need. I need to make sure Danni has everything she needs for the opening next Friday. The last thing I need is her ringing to tell me she forgot to show me something or needs something, when I’m hours away and trying to relax.”

  Putting his hands on his hips, Vince says, “Danni’s been the manager at The Pretty Pussy for the last three years. She’s a fantastic manager, a top organiser, and a bit of a control freak, Ash, you know that. I don’t think she’ll forget anything, Sis. The girls all love her here, but we both know sending Danni up to open and manage The Emerald Pussy was the best decision. She’s been training Xenia for the last year to take over for her here, so she could go. Life’s been rough for her this last year. Danni needs to get away from this town and the memories.”

  I smile a sad smile up at him and nod. “Yeah, I know, Vince. I really just want to get outta town for some girl time and relax.”

  With a quick nod he says, “Right, well the coffee is ready, come and drink it before it goes cold, and the girls get here. I’ll grab your bag and put it by the door.”

  Laughing, I say, “Yeah, I better have one. We all know how much I love my coffee around here!”

  As I walk past Vince to the kitchen, he lets out a deep belly laugh and says, “Nah uh, Sis, we all know that you NEED your morning coffee, otherwise you’ll be a raging bitch all day. I’m pretty sure the girls will end up kicking you out of the damn car if that happens! Then, I’ll be stuck with your mopey arse the whole week.” I roll my eyes at him, but end up laughing with him, because I can’t help but agree, knowing that he’s right. I turn into a devil woman if I don’t have a coffee first thing in the morning.

  “MMmmm. Vince this coffee is so incredibly good. You are definitely going to make one amazing househusband for someone, one of these days, Big Brother,” I giggle. I finish the last mouthful of coffee and head to the sink to wash up my giant mug.

  I hear Vince let out a hearty laugh while he says, “Whatever you say. I’m too young to be settled down, yet.” I’m guessing he heard me. Scaredy cat, he needs a good woman to settle his arse down, it’ll be good for him, the big man whore he is.

  As I put the clean mug in the dish rack I hear BEEP… BEEP… BEEEP! Jumping up and down, I race to the door and yell out, “Hell yeah, the girls are here. Let’s get this road trip started! Vince, the girls are here. I’m going now, I’ll call you tonight when we get to the motel.”

  As I pick up my bag, Vince opens the door, grabs the bag from me, and starts heading towards Tilly’s new 2014 Black 4wd Patrol wagon. Letting out a low whistle, he says, “Nice wheels, Til.”

  Tilly has the biggest smile on her face when she says, “Yep, my new baby.”

  After throwing my bag in the back, he walks back to the side of the car, and looks around at all the girls as he says, “Right. Now listen, ladies - make sure all of you are on the lookout for roos and wallabies. Those crazy fucking animals have a death wish and can cause some hefty damage. I’m sure you don’t want your baby banged up on its first road trip, Tilly. No hitchhikers, ladies. Not even if they look like a god and speak like an angel, don’t do it. We’ve all heard the horror stories about what happens. Don’t leave your drinks unattended or accept any drinks from any fucking strangers. There’s too many dickheads around to take chances.” Bringing me in for a hug, he whispers, “I love you, Little Sis, so please be careful.”

  On cue all of the ladies say, in their cutest little girl voices, “Yes, Vince and we will!” Then they all howl with laughter. He shakes his head and I hug him back.

  Giving him a peck on the cheek, I say, “We will, I promise. I love you, Big Brother and I’ll call you tonight.” I climb into the back next to Mel, who’s in the middle, and wave goodbye. Gwen turns up the radio because “All About That Bass” by Meghan Trainor comes on. We all squeal out, “Hell yeah, ladies! Road trip! LET’S GET THIS SHOW ON THE ROAD!”

  Chapter 2


  All the brothers are sitting around the big rectangular table. We have church this morning, like we do every Thursday morning, 9:00 a.m. sharp, but there’s always some situations that require a sit down in church. If you miss church, your sorry fucking arse had better have the best fucking excuse in the world. The only excuse Marcus Cross, the president of our motorcycle club, Satan’s Scoundrels, will accept is death. Marcus Cross is also my pops, he sits at the head of the table. On his right, is his vice president, me, Zeke Cross. Sitting straight across from me, on the other side of my old man, is Eli (Bullet) Gillmor, our sergeant at arms. To Bullet’s right is Felix (Cash) Roads; he’s our secretary/treasurer. To my left is Tracks (Maps) Jenin, he’s our road captain. Taking up the other spo
ts are a few other members; Charge, Scout, and Zoom. Taking a standing position over by the wall is one of the prospects, Bonkers. Business today involves me and a few of the brothers kidnapping a member of another MC. This member isn’t really a member though, she’s property. Asha Rowe also known as “The Chaos Princess.” She is the little sister of Vince Rowe, president of the Chaos Crusaders MC.

  “Zeke. Son. This shit needs to happen now!” Pointing at me he continues, “You, know what happens? It might be one strip joint on their side now. Then, they get to thinking they’re entitled to more territory and try to push us out. We get her Sunday. We already know she’s heading this way with a stopover at this new strip joint of theirs called The Emerald Pussy.”

  “Shit! Pops, you’re serious? You really want to go through with this plan?” I say to my old man. I can’t fucking believe he’s serious! Shit is going to hit the mighty fucking fan. “Right then, I’ll get her Sunday and bring her to my place. It’s out of town, she won’t get far if she tries to run. Fuck, Pops, I can’t believe we’re doing this!”

  The old man is still speaking and I realise he already had this planned before he fucking let me in on it! I’m his fucking vice president for shit sake! I’m still turning this shit storm over in my head when the old man says, “Right, Maps has the plan sorted. We do this fast and we do this shit effective, I don’t want any fucking mistakes.” All I can do is shake my head and roll with it. Holy fuck he’s really fucking doing it. Here we go!

  This shit storm started brewing because Vince Rowe, president of the Chaos Crusaders, has just finished building a new strip joint. The fucking strip joint is on their side of the border, but Pop’s reckons they are closing in on us. He reckons the Chaos Crusaders would only have one reason for building this close. That plan, is to get in closer to the border and eventually take over our territory. Fucking stupid old man is gonna get us all killed! Let’s just say, this has ruffled a few feathers, and Pop’s wants to teach Vince a lesson. There’s still 100km separating our territory from theirs, I don’t get why Pops is making this shit into such a big deal. The old man is starting to get out of control, but I’ll keep quiet until the time is right for me to step up and take over. This plan is fucking crazy.