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Break Down Page 5

  Chapter 10


  “Fucking hell, man, I need me some sweet fucking pussy when we get back. I swear my balls are fucking blue, almost black; they’re about to drop off with need. I’m horny as fuck, man and my right fucking arm is sore as hell from wanking so much,” Bonkers whines, grabbing hold of his dick.

  Slapping him in the back of the head, I say, “Quit that shit, dickhead, I don’t need to hear about your fucking tug sessions. Pay attention, we have to get this shit done, today; with no fuck ups. Stop thinking about pussy and get your head in the fucking game. We only have one chance to do this right.”

  Cash points as he says to me, “Oi, Z-man, isn’t that the girl’s car over there parked by that ugly pink VW?” Turning my head to look over to where Cash is pointing, I think; Fuck. Shit. Surely they didn’t spot us over here, wait… what the fuck is she doing? Asha is piss bolting from the car... holding her pussy.

  Loud, booming laughter pulls me out of my thoughts. I hear Maps chuckling as he says, “Oh fuck, she must have needed to piss just as bad as you ay, Cash? Look at her run.”

  Cash throws his head back laughing and says, “Fuck off, dickhead. Whatever you reckon, man. I don’t have a pussy to hold. I wasn’t holding my fucking dick, or crossing my legs and twisting like that. She looks like she’s doing some sort of gymnastics move gone fucking wrong.”

  Laughing, Maps says, “Yeah? Righto, man, I’m not convinced you don’t have a fucking pussy because you still whine like a little bitch.”

  I cut them both off when I say, “Righto, fuckers, you all need to get your head straight. Stop fucking thinking about pussy and your dicks, there’s plenty of time for that later. She’ll be out soon enough, and then its show time, boys. We need to get out of here without being seen. We need to stay away enough to be out of sight, but close enough not to lose them. The Old Man will fucking lose it if we fuck this up.”

  Ten minutes later, Asha is fucking bolting out of the toilets like she’s running for her life. What the fuck! Watching her, she looks over her shoulder and then jumps back in the car. The car starts but doesn’t go anywhere, straight away. Fuck! I hope they haven’t spotted us over here. A few minutes later, there’s howling laughter coming from within the car, so I guess we’re in the clear. They haven’t spotted us. Phew, thank fuck for that.

  Five minutes later, the car finally pulls out of the car park and onto the highway. I make sure we stay a decent distance behind the girls. We are just coming over the hill, behind the girls, when I see a tall, well-built guy dressed in a bright orange work shirt, blue jeans, and work boots. What the fuck is this idiot doing? Where are all the other workers? He steps out from behind the tree like he’s just finished taking a piss. As we get closer, I realise that isn’t what he was doing at all because he’s tossing something at the girls’ car… Maps yells out, “FUCKKKKKKKKK!!”

  It’s like watching an action movie, but in slow motion – The package, must be some sort of homemade explosive. It hits the left hand front passenger’s tyre; sending the car flipping through the air. There’s glass flying everywhere, small flames are coming from the front passenger side door. The screams coming from the girls are making my stomach turn. I’ve never heard anything so horrible. It feels like one big fucking nightmare that I just want to wake up from. All I can think about is Asha. Where’s is she? Is she dead? Fuck, God, please don’t let my girl be dead!

  Before I can think about what Asha really means to me, I slam on the brakes, jump out of the van, and make my way over to where the car has landed. There’s a tyre on fire a couple of metres away from the car. The car has amazingly landed back on its wheels; but fuck it’s a mess. “Call 000, now, Bonkers.” I yell, walking closer to the car. I look through Asha’s side, her window is smashed, but thankfully, the airbag has done its job. She’s breathing and only looks to be unconscious. I reach in through the window and check her pulse; it’s slow, but she’s alive. There are cuts all over her face from the glass, but none of them look too deep. Looking back over the car I call out, “Bullet, Bullet, get over here, man.” He jogs over to me, and I tell him, “Bullet, I need you to take Bonkers and Maps with you in your truck and go after that mother fucker. He’s taken off back towards that tiny little town about 50km back, man. He just jumped on his bike and took off after throwing that fucking explosive. Fuck, I can’t believe that just happened.”

  “Got it, boss.” He nods at me and calls out to Bonkers and Maps. The three of them race back to Bullet’s truck, taking off spraying gravel all over the place. Cash stays behind with me.

  I turn to look at Cash and say to him, “Help me get her out of the car, man.”

  With a shocked look on his face, he yells, “What the fuck, man? You can’t move her she might have a spinal injury, and we’ll make it worse.”

  “Just fucking do it! We have the doc, back at the clubhouse.”

  Scrubbing his hands down his face, he growls out, “FUCKING HELL!” Pointing his finger at me, he yells even louder, “FINE! BUT IF SHE FUCKING DIES, BROTHER, THAT AIN’T ME, THAT’S ALL ON YOU!” He moves over so we can open her door; it opens on the fourth pull. Thank you, Lord. I painstakingly undo the seatbelt from around her. Sliding my arm behind her back, I position it around her body, so I can grab her left arm. Once I have that part of her body, I take a firm hold of her right arm, carefully turning her body towards me. Her back is against my chest. As I look down, I see the massive gash running along the side of her head, it’s deep and bleeding furiously. Fuck, why didn’t I notice that cut before, idiot.

  Cash moves in beside me. He places one hand on her lower back and the other under her thighs, helping to slide her body out. We lift her together, both of us apprehensive as we carry her back to his van. Going to great lengths, Cash and I place Asha into the van, making sure she’s secure on the bed in the back. I use one of the guys’ t-shirt to wrap around Asha’s head wound, hoping it will slow the bleeding. Closing the back doors of the van, I use Cash’s real name and say, “Felix, man, I want to check the other girls, but we’ll need to be out of here before the emergency services get here. I need you to start the van and be ready to leave.”

  Nodding he says, “Yeah, sure, man. Be quick. We don’t have long until the cops and other emergency vehicles rock up. There’s not much we can do for them now anyways.” I jog back over to the car to check each of the girls’ pulse. Tilly was driving. All of her airbags have come out, saving her life. Her pulse is steady, but she has cuts all over her face and her nose looks broken. Gwen’s pulse is the same, steady. She has burns all over her face. When I look down at the rest of her body, I see there’s a bone sticking up through the top of her thigh. Most of her leg muscles seem to be hanging out around her foot. Seeing the blood gushing out of the wound, I look around for something to put in it to stop the bleeding. I find a scarf near her leg and reach into the car to get it. Stuffing the scarf into to the hole to slow the bleeding. I almost puke from the sight; it’s horrifying. I hope the ambos hurry up; I don’t think she’ll last much longer, with the way her leg is bleeding. I’m glad she’s passed out cold. I don’t want to take my hand away from the scarf, but I need to check the other girls and get out of here.

  Cassie was behind Gwen on the left hand side of the car. She’s passed out as well. The air bag on her side worked as well. There’s a shit load of little cuts on her face. One deep cut on her neck that looks like it runs all the way down to her chest. Off in the distance I can make out the faint sound of the sirens heading this way. Holy shit, thank fuck for the emergency services. I’m about to head back to the car when I realise the middle seat of the car is empty and the seatbelt is broken…stopping dead in my tracks…

  It hits me suddenly; there were five girls, not four. Mel the black haired chick isn’t in the car. My stomach twists; my head feels light and dizzy. Holy fuck I feel like I’m about to pass the fuck out. I don’t want to look, but I know I have to, even if there’s nothing I can do for her. I t
urn my head to look towards the windscreen. I taste the bile in my mouth; it burns my throat as I swallow it back down. I dry retch a few times. I see the windscreen; it has a massive hole in it. The edges of the glass from the hole are rough and jagged. There’s blood and what I assume are pieces of Mel all around it. Looking lower towards the dashboard, there’s blood everywhere. I didn’t realise before, but the blood sprayed around the car must be Mel’s. I had assumed it was from the other girls. Amongst all the blood there’s a mangled arm sitting there. It’s not just the arm, it’s the whole limb from the shoulder all the way down to the five fingers. When I can finally tear my eyes away from the gruesome carnage, my eyes find Mel. She’s face down on the bonnet, but her head is only barely hanging onto her body. Thinking about the other girls seeing her body like this, when they wake up, makes me cringe. I feel even sicker; I know I need to cover up her body. Wrapping my hand in my shirt to open the boot door, I find what I’m looking for straight away; there’s a blanket folded neatly in the corner of the boot. Pulling it out quickly because the sirens are getting closer. Pushing my back against the door so it closes, I race to the front of the car. I cover Mel up, tucking the blanket under her a bit, so it doesn’t blow off her when we’re gone. Fucking hell, how could someone do this? Jogging back to the van, I get in the back with Asha and shout out to Cash, “Hit the gas, Brother, we need to get outta here, now.” Putting his foot down Cash takes off.

  We’ve driven for half hour when I take out my phone and call the doc, thoroughly explaining to him what happened. He asks me questions and I tell him about where Asha’s position in the car was and any injuries I can see on her body to him. After a small pause from the doc, he starts to yell down the phone at me, telling me how fucking stupid and dumb I am for having moved her. After calming down a bit he finally says, “Get here as soon as you can, Zeke. I need to have a look at her, right away; this shit is fucking dangerous. I’ll set the room up for her to stay here while I check her over and she recovers. I have the surgery room ready.” Hearing the doc tell me again how much of an idiot I am, we say our goodbyes and hang up. Cash puts his foot down a little more, not too much because we don’t want to get done for speeding or risk being pulled over; but we need to get to the doc’s place sooner rather than later. I hope to hell that I’ve made the right choice.

  The drive back home takes us five hours. I give the doc a call when we reach the town’s welcome sign. He says everything is ready and he’ll be waiting when we get to the house. The doc is waiting outside for us when we pull around the back of his two story tan brick house. Rushing over to the back door, he secures Asha’s neck in a neck brace before anything else. The doc checks her pupils and listens to her chest before he will let us move her out of the car. Once he gives us the all clear, we carefully move Asha out of the car and onto the gurney. I help the doctor wheel the gurney inside the double doors.

  His house is his place of business; where all the locals come for their everyday medical needs. It is also set up for emergencies because we are at least two hours away from the nearest hospital. Once inside the house the doctor sets up her drip, connects the pulse rate monitor to her finger, and tells us to move her into the room that has the portable X-ray machine set up. As we walk down the hallway, I give the doctor a quick rundown of how she’s been in the van on the way here. I tell him that she’s been going in and out of consciousness for the last three hours. He asks me if there’s been any bleeding from the ears, nose or mouth, and I tell him no. He only nods his head again and says, “Sorry boys, but you both need to wait outside while I do the x-rays.” Letting out a sigh, Cash and I walk outside the room and close the door behind us. Shit this whole nodding thing is giving me the shits! I need to know more about what’s going on with her. What sort of injuries we are looking at? Fuck, what a way to lose fucking ten years of my life, but she’s worth it. I’ve never felt like this, EVER and fuck it scares the shit out of me!

  Snapping me out of my thoughts, the door to the x-ray room opens and the doc says to me, “Zeke, I need you to help me wheel her back into the room I’ve got set up. I’m going to have to keep her here until she’s awake and alert. The risk is too great to move her around too much, especially, the drive out to your place.”

  All I can manage to say is, “Okay.”

  Looking down at his shiny gold watch, the doc says, “I’ll be back. I need to go and develop the girl’s x-rays, so I can start treating any injuries she may have.”

  Running my hands through my hair I say, “How long do the x-rays take, Doc?”

  Shrugging his shoulders Doc says, “Five minutes at most, Zeke.” I don’t reply. I keep looking down at the bed where Asha lies peacefully.

  The doc walks back into the room ten minutes later. He tells me to follow him, so I walk behind him as he turns into a dark, tiny room. The x-rays are set up on the wall across from us. He tells me to sit down, but I’m too wired. I shake my head and stand next to him. He nods in understanding as he points to the results on the backlit screen, as he says, “Well it looks like this girl is one lucky lady, Zeke. The x-rays show me that there are no broken bones or fractures. I will need to stitch that gash on the side of her head; it’s quite deep. I’d say it’ll need about fifteen stitches. Apart from that, and the other small cuts on her face, she seems to be fine. Sometime soon she will need to go for an MRI; when she’s conscious…”

  “NO! No scans at all, Doc! The cops will be all over her name by now because the cops would have it flagged. We’re up shit creek once that happens. Look, Doc, I’ve got to head to the clubhouse and talk to the Old Man, I’ll only be gone a couple of hours. Call me if anything changes will ya?” With a nod from the doc, I head back into Asha’s room. Cash is sitting in the corner of the room, on a single black leather recliner, almost falling asleep. Walking over to him, I nudge his knee with my foot, and whisper, “Yo, Brother. Cash, come on man, let’s go.”

  Looking up at me, he rubs his eyes with the palms of his hands and says, “Right behind ya, Brother.”

  I give the doc one final nod as Cash and I walk down the hallway. Walking out the door, Cash asks, “How’s the girl, dude?”

  Climbing into the driver’s side of the van, I say, “Doc says everything is good; no broken bones, no fractures, a deep gash on the side of her head that’s going to need fifteen stitches, at least. Then, there’s only the small, less serious cuts on her face and body. I just can’t believe how today has turned out, Brother. Fuck, Pops is gonna have a field day with this shit. The sooner we find out who that fucker was, and why he fucking tried to kill my girl and her friends, the better I’ll feel.” Fuck, again, with my girl, this shit is fucked up. I’ve only just met her and already I want to make her mine.

  “That’s good news about the girl, she’s fucking lucky. I didn’t get to ask you earlier, but what about the other girls in the car? Any of them still alive, man?”

  Shaking my head and letting out a sigh, I say “Yeah, all but one, man, that Mel chick was dead. I had to cover her with a blanket that I got out of the boot. She went through the windscreen, man. The impact of going through the windscreen was enough to rip her whole fucking shoulder from her body, man. Fuck, it was sick, man; her head was only just hanging onto her body by a little piece of skin. It was fucking horrific, Brother… no other words, man. It took everything in me not to pass the fuck out and spew my guts up all over the place. That Gwen chick will probably lose her leg, the bone was sticking out of her leg and the muscles were down by her foot were too. The other girl, Cassie I think her name was, had a massive gash from her neck to her tit, man. It’ll be one hell of a scar. They are alive and the emergency services weren’t too far away. Hopefully, they got there in time to make sure they’ll all be alive.” Gripping the steering wheel tighter I say, “Have you heard back from Bullet, yet? Hopefully, he caught the bastard who did this!”

  Pulling his phone from his pocket, he shakes his head and says, “Nah, man, nothing on my phone.”
  Pulling out my phone, I toss it over to him, saying, “Here, Brother, check mine will ya?”

  Swiping his finger across the screen, he says, “There’s a couple of missed calls from Bullet and he’s left a voice message. Give me a sec, I’ll play the message on speaker phone.” Pulling the van over, we both sit and listen to the message from Bullet.

  *Bullet – “Where the fuck are you Brother? I’ve been trying to call you for the last fucking four hours. We fucking lost him man about 15 kilometres from the wreck. I got his plates though, so I’m gonna get Jimmy to check them out A.S.A.P. Gonna get him to do background checks on all the girls because fuck if I know what shit they’ve got themselves into. I didn’t get a good look at the fucking cunt, he had green bandana covering the bottom of his face and a pair of sunnies hiding his eyes. I’ll check in with ya later when I have more info, peace out.”

  After hearing Bullet’s message, I am fucking furious! Hitting both hands on the steering wheel, I yell out, “FUCK, FUCK, FUCK! FUCKING. MOTHERFUCKING. COCKSUCKER! I can’t believe this fucking cunt is still out there. Somehow we need to get word to Vince about this. I’ll still keep Asha, but maybe he’ll look elsewhere for her.” Running my hand through my hair I let out a huge breath.

  Cash sighs saying, “You can’t be fucking serious, Brother? What are you gonna fucking say to him? Oh, hey, Vince. There’s a fucking psychopath after your sister and her friends! How are you gonna explain seeing the accident, huh? Fucking insane prick, you are.”

  Staring daggers at him, I grit out, “No, but I can tell him one of the club’s hang a rounds witnessed the guy throwing something at the car, and taking off with a girl from the car; he then came back and told us.”