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Break Down Page 4

  With a devious look on her face, Tilly says, “Oh Melly, Melly, Melly, you know me… Maps just thought he needed to show me how wrong I was about his small balls. Let me just say, girls. Damn that man is fucking fine; there wasn’t anything small about that man’s cock either. I think he and I both enjoyed the quick blow job I gave him out back.” Tilly is measuring out Map’s junk; while doing a sign with her hand and mouth about the blow job. We are all rolling around on the bed with fits of laughter. “That’s our girl,” Gwen cheers.

  “Dirty whore,” I say.

  “Fuckin cheeky bitch! Can’t believe you just gave him a blowjob out back!” Cassie laughs.

  “He was fucking hot, that’s for sure,” Mel says.

  Yawning, I say to the girls, “I’m off to bed, we need to get an early start in the morning. We’ll be stopping for lunch at the halfway mark tomorrow. Then, on Sunday we do a quick stop in at The Emerald Pussy, so I can check in with Danni and see how she’s setting in. That leaves us with the rest of the trip to enjoy chilling out. I cannot wait to get on the beach and drink some of those delicious cocktails.”

  Standing up, I start to walk towards my bunk when I hear Tilly click her tongue and say, “OH HELL NO! No you don’t, biatch! You are going to dish on that bloody gorgeous guy you were dry humping on the dance floor. You were staring at him all night. C’mon. Bring that booty back here and dish!”

  Rolling my eyes, I reluctantly turn around. Sighing, I say, “He’s so freaking yummy! The dance was freaking amazing. He really knows how to move which probably means he’s a playboy. I just…I don’t know. Bloody hell! I feel way too much for him already, and I only just met the bloke. How can I already feel these ridiculous feelings for him in just a few hours? Please tell me I’m being ridiculous and it’s not possible. Cassie you were right though, you only live once, Babes. So I took a chance, you know, and gave him my number when he handed me his phone. He told me he would text me. He looked interested but you never know, he probably won’t. It’s a road trip, girls, and we are meant to be having fun. Believe me he was hot, delicious, fun, and oh so freaking dreamy; but I think I’ll have to wait and see if he stays true to his word.”

  “Babe, he was so into you, he never took his eyes off you all night,” Mel says.

  “Holy fuck! Did you see his hard on when you sat in front of him at the pool table?” Gwen laughs.

  Laughing I say, “Yeah, I did. That’s what I was aiming for though, distraction. I really wanted to win that bloody game, but he still sunk the damn black ball and won the game for them.” The girls all laughed. “Remember we all need to be showered and ready by 9:00 a.m., night, lovelies.”

  Lying in bed, all I can think about are those gorgeous brown eyes, delicious arms, that cheeky smile, and oh my God; the way he called me Sweetheart, total swoon moments. Remembering I’ve got to set the alarm for tomorrow I reach over and pull my phone out of my bag. Looking at my phone, I see a text message from an unknown number; I open it up and see it’s from Zeke.

  *Zeke – Sweetheart! Zeke here, this is my number. Save it. Thanks for the dance Beauty. It’s a shame we were interrupted I hope you will keep in touch. Zeke

  I do a happy wiggle in bed and quickly look at the time, its 1:00 a.m. Should I text him back or not? Stuff it, here goes –

  *Asha – Hey there Hot Stuff! Ur welcome. I should be thanking you for the dance, it was…HOT!! You could say you left me a little high and dry but there was definitely no dry involved, only wet, soaking wet! Yeah of course I’ll stay in touch! Asha x

  Setting the alarm, I put my phone under my pillow, roll over, and pass out.

  My alarm goes off right at 7:30. Rolling over I realise how badly I need a drink of water. Last night has left my mouth dry and pasty. Ughhh, so gross. I need to brush my teeth, so I get out of bed and walk into the bathroom to shower. I’m out of the shower in ten minutes. I dress in another short, floaty dress; jade green in colour. Slipping on my black sandals that have little diamantes on them, I quickly drive to the little café down the road. I figure I can bribe the girls with a coffee to hurry them along; cappuccinos all round. Once I get back, I attempt to wake the girls, who don’t really seem to understand we have a schedule to keep. Putting the coffees down, I jump on the girls’ bed and yell, “Arses out of bed, bitches!”

  “Holy shit, Ash,” Tilly groans.

  “What the fuck bitch?” Mel growls.

  “Ughh, I think I’m dying,” Cassie says, throwing her arm over her eyes.

  “Well, girls, its 8:00 a.m. and we all need to get ready, like now. Gwen and I are ready; our bags are in the car. I have cappuccinos for all of you. So, if you girls get up out of bed, grab what you need out of your bags; I can take the bags down and pack in the car.” Forty minutes later the girls are dressed and everyone’s bags are in the car.”

  While the girls check the car over, I run the keys back to the office. As I’m walking back to the car I hear my phone beep with a text, so I pull it out of my pocket and check it. It’s from Zeke. Shit! I was hoping he thought it was just a bit of fun and leave it at that. Who am I kidding! I am freaking jumping for joy that he’s texted again, already.

  *Zeke – Fuck! Sweetheart that message was hot! It took all my strength not to take you out back and fuck you senseless last night before I left. After reading your text when I got up, I’ll just say I thoroughly enjoyed my shower. I knew there was a naughty girl waiting to be set free! Lol! Can’t fucking wait to see you again! Zeke

  Oh my God! My face just lit up like a fire truck heading to an emergency. My whole body just flushed red; I’ve never had that happen before with any of the guys I’ve dated. I’m so glad the girls are still over at the car because they would have laughed, pointed, and teased the shit out of me. All in good fun, but seriously I just met him, and already, I can’t wait to see him again. It took the walk back to the car from the office to cool down. Jumping into the car we all squeal –“Road trip ladies. Hell fucking yeah!” Turning the music up, Tilly pulls out of the car park and we hit the highway.

  Chapter 8


  As soon as I woke up this morning, I grabbed my clothes to go take a shower. After checking the time on my phone, I found a text from Asha. My dick went instantly hard after reading about how wet I made her last night. Damn I wish we didn’t have to head off so early. I fucking raced into the bathroom and got under the hot water. With one hand on my rock hard cock and the other hand braced against the wall, I slid my hand up and down my shaft. Fuck, it felt good. Not as good as it would have if I’d had Asha last night, but still good. I wasn’t going to last long. I started stroking my cock faster and harder, while I pictured Asha’s sweet lips wrapped around my dick. My balls tightened, my legs went weak, and the pressure in my dick was released. Fuck that feels better. My stomach had been in fucking knots all night. Today I need a clear head because there’s no room for any mistakes.

  I’ve just picked up my coffee when I hear Bullet knock and yell out, “Yo, Z-man, it’s me. Get your mother fucking arse outta bed and open up the door.” Bullet is the club’s sergeant at arms. He’s six-foot-two, with sandy blonde hair, bulked out with solid muscle. He’s massive and works out a lot.

  Opening the door, he walks in and I give him a slap on the back, laughing out, “It’s good to see you, Brother. How was the drive?”

  “Yeah, man, it’s good to see you, too. The drive is always too fucking long. I had to stop for a camp halfway, man. I was still tired this morning so I stopped in at a café to get a coffee before I got here.”

  Nodding at him, I get straight to the job at hand and say, “Right, let’s catch you up on the game plan. The girls said last night they are stopping for lunch in a small town four hours from here. There’s a rest area 40km out from town, so we are going stop there and wait for them to go past. Once the girls are in town, I’m going to text a dirty message to Asha and get her to take a little visit to the toilets. From there I’ll grab her and knock her out
with the chloroform. I’ll get you to come with me because we’ll be heading back in Cash’s van. The boys will need to take your truck back. I’m going to get Maps, Bonkers, and Cash to go into the café, where her friends will be, and make small talk until you and I hot foot it out of there.”

  With a tilt of his head, Bullet says, “Sounds good, Brother, I’ll follow behind you, and we’ll switch cars once we get into town.” Nodding my head I follow Bullet out the door.

  After I’ve dropped the keys back to the reception, I send a text message to the Old Man. I let him know Bullet arrived, and that we are heading off now. I also tell him I’ll be in touch again, once we have her.

  The drive to the rest stop is killing me. All I’ve fucking heard about is how Maps got his fucking dick sucked, out the back of the pub; while the rest of us were finishing up the last game of fucking pool. “Lucky fucking bastard, I had to have a wank this morning because of your interruption last night, mother fucker! I might even have been able to get fucking laid if we didn’t have to take off so quick.”

  “Boss, seriously, she’s our target. Shouldn’t you be thinking about taking her, not fucking her?” Bonkers asks.

  “Shut it, mother fucker, I know what I’m doing.” Everyone shuts up. After today, getting laid by Asha is out the fucking question, that’s for sure. I’ll just have to find Nikita when we get back to the clubhouse.

  We finally pull into the rest area. It’s another forty-minute drive to the town where the girls will be having their lunch. “Fuck. Hurry up man I need to piss,” Cash yells into the front of the van.

  “Yeah, righto, let me get out of sight first,” I say to him. Bullet pulls in behind us. Once Cash has taken his piss, he gets back into the van. We all kick back and wait for the girls.

  Yawning, Cash asks, “You got your place ready for her man?”

  Sighing, I say, “Yeah, man, I’m going to put her in the spare room upstairs, next to my room. I had to put a fucking bolt on the outside of the door so she doesn’t do a fucking runner on me, man. Shit’s fucked up, Bro. The last thing I need is her getting loose while I’m at work.”

  “Lucky you’re so far out of town man, she’ll be easy to catch.” Bonkers laughs.

  “Look, Z-man, I know you don’t want to do this, but you know your old man is only doing what he thinks is best for the club,” Maps says quietly, staring out the window.

  Getting angry, I say, “I get that, Brother. BUT FUCK! All he had to do is let me ring the fucker and talk it out. Vince is an easy-going bloke and I’m sure a pretty reasonable man. As soon as he knows we have his baby sister, there won’t be any reasoning with Vince or the rest of the Chaos Crusaders. Since their parents died, the club has been their whole family. Asha’s a little sister and daughter to ALL of them. They helped raise her and him; don’t forget that, Brother. War will come to us. You better be prepared, Brothers” I growl. Fuck, I don’t want to get angry at my brothers, this was all Pop’s idea. They’re just being loyal to their pres and their club.

  Looking down at his watch, Maps say, “Righto, boys, it’s almost show time; shouldn’t be too long now, another half hour at most.”

  Whining like a bitch, Bonkers says from the back, “Fuck, I hope so, Brother, my arse is going fucking numb.” Fucking prospects.

  Chapter 9


  “Oh hell, yeah, ladies. We are almost there, about another forty minutes till we hit town. Then we can have some lunch and get back on the road,” Tilly says, in between singing to the radio.

  “Thank the Lord because I’m starving, I think my stomach has started eating itself. It’s been grumbling for the last hour.”

  “You’re always starving Cass,” Mel laughs.

  “I need to pee so badly, it feels like my bladder is about to burst. I swear you’re hitting every fuckin bump, Til,” I say. My legs are crossed tight.

  Laughing, Tilly says, “Oh yeah? Of course, Babe, I’m looking for all of the potholes, bumps and uneven spots on the road, just so you can piss yourself in my new fucking car.”

  “Look, Babe, the sign up ahead of us says there’s a rest area 5km down the road,” Cassie says brightly.

  ”Can you hold it for that long, Princess?” Tilly asks laughing.

  “Fuck you Til, I can fucking hold it. I’m just glad I don’t have to pee on the side of the road, especially with all this long grass.” Pumping my fist in the air, I cheer. The girls all bust out laughing; no one wants grass touching their arse when they have to pee on the side of the road.

  Tilly drives into the rest area and parks next to a bright pink VW. There’s a few other cars parked in here and a guy leaving on his mean looking, black motorcycle; he looks familiar, but I don’t take any more notice of him. I’m too busy concentrating on not peeing myself. Oh God, the girls would never let me live it down if that happened, NEVER! As soon as the car stops, I bolt out of the car and into the toilets. Because I’m busting, I break the number one rule of checking for toilet paper, instead I just pull my knickers down and sit. I’m almost finished when I look over to grab some toilet paper and fuck my life there’s NONE! Taking my phone out of my pocket, I’m about to call Tilly to ask her or one of the girls to bring in the spare roll of toilet paper from her car. Before I press dial, my phone beeps with a text message from an unknown number. I have no idea who it could be from but I open it anyway.


  What I read in the text message has me scrambling off the toilet without wiping. Yeah, I know, it’s bloody grotty, but shit, my head and heart are pounding. I feel sick and dizzy, I’m fucking freaking out. I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to freak the girls out; I’ll text Vince -

  *Asha – Hey Big Brother, I’m freaking out. I got this scary text. I’ve attached it to this message. I think it has something to do with that guy that beat up Gwen. The cops never found out who he was and he skipped town. It’s come from an unknown number so I don’t know how you could trace it. We are stopping in forty minutes. I’ll call you then. Love u Xo

  30 seconds later -

  *Vince – WHAT?!! Fucking hell Sis? I’ve given the message to Saint, Dice and Wizard, they are going to try to trace your phone. I know you like your privacy Ash but I need to know you and the girls are safe. The rest of the brothers are talking to the other chapters now, they’ll be on the lookout for anything suspicious as well. Fuck, be fucking careful, this prick sounds like he’s serious, so, fuck, just watch your back please. I’ll talk to you in an hour. Love u too Sis X

  I’m still sitting on the toilet when I realise I need to get back to the car. Running back out to the girls, I climb quickly into the back seat, panting and puffing. The girls are all laughing, until they realise I’m not laughing with them. “Holy shit, Ash are you okay?” Mel asks. Tilly starts the car, but we don’t go anywhere.

  I want to get back on the road. I know the girls are going to ask questions so I think of the most obvious answer. “Yeah, Babe, I... Just…There was a massive spider in there and I ran out without wiping… and…Shit, now I’m going to have damp panties until we get to the motel. There’s no fucking way I’m going back in there to face that massive monster, ugh so gross.” Mel and Cassie study me for a second before Tilly and Gwen guffaw in laughter. Mel and Cassie join in soon after. I eventually laugh with them. I’m happy I’ve convinced them for now. “Alright, alright, now can we get going? Because I’m pretty sure that huge monster is gonna come out and chase after the car.”

  As Tilly pulls out of the car park, she turns the music up and I hear one of my favourite songs. It does the trick, distracting me. I grab my deodorant can from my bag and start singing along at the top of my lungs. No, I can’t sing at all, but meh, I’m not worried and neither are the girls. They grab their cans of deodorant, as well; we all let go,
singing our hearts out. For the next 20km all we do is sing, laugh, squeal, and more bad singing.

  We are still grooving and singing when Tilly turns down the music and says, “Damn, I didn’t see any roadwork signs along the road. Did any of you? Never mind, don’t answer that question. I know none of you saw anything with that back of the car concert going on.” She laughs. Tilly starts to slow the car down, but she’s still going at least eighty kilometres an hour. Looking out Cassie’s window, I notice the same motorcycle from back at the car park. I start to panic, so I say to Tilly, “Babe, I really don’t think we should slow down because I saw that same bike back at the rest stop. The guy looked familiar but I was busting to pee so I didn’t take a good look at him.”

  “Ash, the guy could just work for the company doing the road work. He could have been having his lunch there,” she says.

  “I really don’t know, Tilly, there’s something wrong, I’m sure of…”Before I can finish my sentence, something hits the car. There’s a very loud bang and my ears start ringing. There are flames on Gwen and Cassie’s side of the car. Their windows explode and the glass is flying around through the car. I can feel the sting as each little piece slices through my skin. It happens in seconds, but holy shit! The car is flipping through the air and as it hits the ground; my head jerks sideways into the window. Even through the airbag, I feel the connection my head has with the window. The pain shoots through my head; that’s when I start to see spots. I’m drifting in and out of consciousness. My ears are still ringing, but I’m pretty sure the car is back on the ground.

  I try to look around at the girls, but my head is hurting so bad. I don’t even know what I’m really seeing because…they look dead… they…are… all… they are…FUCK! Oh my God! What the fuck happened? Who would do this to us? I have so many questions floating through my brain, but I can’t stay awake; my surroundings are fading in and out. Everything is starting to go black. I start to think about my brother, and it breaks my heart. I don’t want to leave him. Then, I start to think about my mum and dad. I think maybe it’s not so bad, after all, because I miss them so much. I give into the blackness trying to take me because it’s getting harder to fight and harder to stay here.