Break Down Read online

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  Shaking my head I say, “Shut up you, fucking dickhead, and get on with the game.”

  With the girls already seven balls down. We don’t have many to catch up, we’re already five balls down. These girls are kicking our arses, but I’m about to change that. I take my shot at the three ball, sinking it in the right corner pocket. Then, sinking the seven in the middle pocket. I’m about to take my shot at the eight ball, when Asha walks past, brushing against me. Fuck me, she smells so fucking sweet.

  As I watch her walk past, she’s staring right at me with a sweet little grin on her face. We both know she’s playing dirty, cheeky bitch! Asha and I both know I’m distracted, but I’ve got to win this for the boys. Leaning down to take my shot, I need to concentrate. I don’t look at her anymore. It backfires, because she sits that sweet arse on the stool directly in my line of sight. With her legs spread slightly, I see a flash of black lace. Fuck me. With one hand on her knee, she takes her drink, lifts it to her lips, and, fucking hell, she has a straw. Wrapping those sweet lips on it, she takes a slow sip. Fuck, all I can think about are those pretty pink lips wrapped around my cock. Fuck! “Oi, Zee, you gonna take your shot man? Or you just gonna stand there watching her, while you daydream a little longer, mate?”

  Looking straight over to Bonkers, I give him a dirty look. That cheeky fucker just put me right in the shit. I should have realised everyone was watching me because we’re down to the last ball. I flip him the bird and say, “Fuck you, B.” Laughing goes on all around me but I need to take this shot; here goes. I take the shot and thank fuck, yes. It’s our game! Cheers go out from the boys, with a few boos from the girls. They still shake our hands and tell us it was a good game. Looking up to where Asha is sitting, she gives me a wink; a fucking wink. I better enjoy tonight because once she sees who I really am, in a couple days, I’ve got no chance. Who am I kidding? I never had a chance to begin with.

  Chapter 5


  We play a few more games of pool, the girls winning the last two games. The boys aren’t impressed at the outcome. They’re acting like sore losers, especially when we said that was our last game. We all decide to move out of the pool area so that another group could use the pool tables; heading to the far corner of the bar. It was the closest area to the dance floor and jukebox. Dancing was definitely up next. Needing to use the toilets, I let Mel know where I’m going, and that we’ll head to the bar to refill our drinks when I get back.

  While I’m walking, all I can think about is Zeke. I didn’t know guys that bloody gorgeous really existed. Yeah, the Crusader boys are hot, but they are family. That kind of puts a damper on things. The first thing that comes to mind is that he could be my tall, dark and handsome knight, without the armour though. He is really tall, over six foot two, totally tanned; his skin is an amazing olive colour.

  His body, yum! I just want to lick him, EVERYWHERE. It’s amazing, especially his back, shoulders, and arms; my favourite parts, well, almost. He has dark brown hair, but it’s been shaved off, and brown eyes that could almost be green. Under his straight Roman nose lies a rugged, chiselled chin. His hands are massive. Well, the girls used to say big hands and big feet equal a big cock. I’m not convinced though because past experience has shown me otherwise. I’m laughing to myself about those ‘little guys’ when I bump into a hard body and almost fall back on my arse. When I look up Zeke is in front of me with a worried look on his gorgeous face. He has ahold of me, but quickly let’s go and steps back. He’s asking if I’m all right. By the look on his face he’s asked me a couple of times. Dusting the non-existent dirt off my dress, I step back still looking at him and say, “Crap, umm yeah, I’m good. Thanks. Hey, lucky you’ve got quick reflexes. Otherwise, I might be on my bum right now, how embarrassing.” Looking away and then back at him I say shyly, “I’ll see you out there, I was heading to the toilet.”

  He looks like he’s about to say something else, but instead he just nods and says, “Yeah, I’ll see ya out there.”

  Looking over to where the girls are sitting, they are flirting up a storm with the boys while the guys look like they are enjoying the girls’ attention. It makes me so happy because Cassie and Gwen need a confidence boost, after those arsehole exes of theirs. Cassie and Hayden had been together for three years, until she found him cheating on her with his co-worker, Cohen. Cassie was devastated. Now, she doubts herself, but she’s beautiful and we remind her all the time. She’s all long lean legs and body with dark brown eyes that could almost be black. She’s lucky enough to be well endowed with a nice arse and great boobs. Cassie also has brown hair, but unlike mine, it’s a cut into an inverted bob style. Gwen is the total opposite to Cassie; she has blonde hair and blue eyes. Gwen is the tallest of the group. Lucky bitch!

  Gwen was dating Dexter. He was hot as hell and turns out, pretty close to the devil himself. Gwen and Dexter had been dating for about six weeks. After week five we knew something was off. It was our weekly girls’ night out, and Gwen had never missed one. Gwen texted, telling us she was too sick to come. We all decided to cancel our girls’ night out for a girls’ night in. The girls and I grabbed a couple of good girly movies, four bottles of wine, chocolate, and drove over to Gwen’s unit. When we arrived at Gwen’s flat we found her upstairs in her bedroom, curled in a foetal position. She was shaking so bad we had to wrap a blanket around her. That’s when we saw the fucking marks on her face. Cassie started bawling her eyes out, Tilly called the ambulance; the rest of us were livid. The ambulance officers arrived and then the cops.

  Once she was settled at the hospital and all of her injuries were looked at, she was able to fill out a report about the assault. The police said they would do all they could to get him. He left her with a busted lip, two knocked out teeth, a huge, swollen shut black eye, a split eyebrow, and a gash on her cheek that needed five stitches. The doctor on shift said she was very lucky that her cheekbone and eye socket weren’t damaged. Gwen was able to go home the next afternoon. That bastard is fucking lucky he left town without a trace. If I ever get my hands on him, he’s going to regret ever laying a hand on one of my best friends.

  The cops rang Gwen a few days after she had returned home, telling her there was no one in their system named Dexter Maxwell. As you would expect, Gwen was terrified. She rang me in tears after finding out the cops had no idea who Dexter really was and no way to find him. Along with telling her that they couldn’t find him, they told her to be cautious of staying home alone; or going out anywhere by herself because they didn’t know if he would come back. It didn’t take long before Gwen moved out of her unit; too afraid that Dexter could come back and finish what he’d started. Knowing that he had no clue of where any of us girls lived, Tilly asked her to move in with her. It took a whole month for Gwen’s face to heal. She decided she was sick of being sad and scared; we all decided a road trip away was in order and we started organising.

  Tilly is having a ball tormenting Maps, poor bloke. Gwen is chatting away with Cash and Bonkers, which is amazing; ever since the assault she has been wary around men. I make sure that she’ll be okay if I take Mel and Cassie out to the dance floor. We need to get some dancing in before we head back to the motel. She nods and says, “Yeah, Babe go for it.”

  I drag Mel and Cassie over to the jukebox and we put about twenty dollars’ worth of songs on. I love jukebox music because it’s all the songs that you used to hear as a kid when you went to the pub with your parents, or in my case, the jukebox at the clubhouse. We play heaps of classics and the latest music. Dancing and jumping around, the girls and I have a ball. Cassie and I are dirty dancing with each other, grinding on each other, and just having fun teasing the audience.

  As I’m coming back up from dropping my ass to the ground, I look over to find Zeke staring back at me with hungry eyes. That look makes me want to do very dirty, very bad, wicked things to him right now, shit. Bloody hell, I’m not normally this affected by a guy… ever; but him. Wow! Those dark brown
eyes are now hooded and turning a dark shade of green. Looking down at his mouth, I can see he’s licking his lips. All I can think about is biting down on them and having those lips kiss and explore all over my body. Cassie looks over to where I’m staring and giggles. She leans down and whispers in my ear, “YOLO, Babe, he’s hot, seriously go for it!” I smile because I know this.

  Cassie walks over and starts whispering to Mel. They both look over at me, giving me the thumbs up, and then they both get back to dancing. I close my eyes, take a deep breath and decide; what the hell? I’m going for it. When I open my eyes I look over at Zeke, who is still staring. Winking at him I say in my huskiest voice, “You wanna join me out here, Hot Stuff?”

  Chapter 6


  “Yeah, Pops. All right. Fuck! Yeah. I get it. You want it done tomorrow but we need to wait. We weren’t supposed to get her until after she’s been to the new strip club. Vince will know something is up if she doesn’t turn up there.”

  “No. Son, you will do this tomorrow. It’s taking too long, the sooner you get her, the sooner we can make our demands and hand her back. I’ve sent Bullet in the other truck, so he’ll be there in the morning.”

  Running my hand roughly over my shaved head I growl out, “Fuck! Yep, righto, Pops. That’s good to know, I’ll let the boys know he’s coming. I’ll sit down with Maps tonight and go over the plan. We’ll see what changes we need to make so that we can make this happen earlier. I’ll give you a call once we have the girl.”

  “That’s my boy,” he says, before hanging up on me. I stuff my phone back in my pocket before I throw it against the brick wall. I stay outside for a few minutes, to calm down, before I turn and walk back inside towards the brothers.

  Bonkers and Cash are chatting up the blonde, while Maps is too busy flirting with the feisty red head. Asha and her other two friends are out on the dance floor. I can’t help but watch her out there because she’s fucking sexy as sin. I’m getting a semi just from watching her drop her ass to the floor; with those beautiful titties bouncing on her way back up. I know I’m staring at her, but I don’t care who sees, even when I’m caught in the act. On her way back up she looks straight at me. From the look on her face, I think she’s been watching me too. Her friend starts whispering something in her ear and she smiles a beautiful smile. After her friend walks off she looks back over at me, winks, and in the sexiest voice I’ve ever heard invites me to join her. Fuck, yeah! There’s no way I’m turning her down. I need to get closer to her. I don’t know why I’m drawn to her, but I am. Fuck it scares the shit out of me but at the same time makes me stupidly happy.

  I can’t take my eyes off her as she sways those sexy fucking hips. They’ve done nothing but invite me closer to her all night. When I reach her, I grab her hand and hold it above her head. I spin her around so her back is to my front. She can feel what she’s doing to me. To my surprise she starts rubbing her arse against my cock, making my dick harder. Leaning down against her neck I slide the tip of my tongue up the shell of her ear. Fuck me! She lets out a quiet little moan. Dammit, anymore moves like that and she could have me blowing my load right here on the dance floor. Fuck! Whispering into her ear, I tell her how fucking sexy she is and she shivers. As she sways against me, she lifts her arms up and puts her hands around my neck. Taking full advantage of her position, I slide my hands down the sides of those perfect titties of hers, continuing my exploration down along her ribs. Grabbing ahold of her curvy, fucking hips, I spin her around to face me. Looking down into her gorgeous eyes, I smile because she’s staring right back at me. The look in her eyes is pulling me in. Her eyes tell me all the things she wants me to do to her, so I lean closer. Her breath hitches a little. I move down, so my lips are almost on hers. Surprising me again she closes the distance between us, kissing me with that perfect mouth. Asha lets out the littlest moans into my mouth, so I push my tongue against her lips to let me in and she does. Ours tongues meet, and I can’t think of anywhere else I want to be, right now.

  Bonkers breaks into the moment, he slaps me on the back and tells me we have to head back to the motel. Fucking hell! Now? He’s fucking pissing me off. I let go of Asha because I don’t want her to feel the angry tension coursing through my body. Reeling my anger back in, I turn around and growl out, “What the fuck, Bonkers?”

  Asha taps me on the shoulder and says in a quiet voice, “I’m going to go finish my drink. Thanks for the dance, Hot Stuff.” Winking she walks back over to the table where her friends are all watching us.

  In a hushed angry tone I say, “What the fuck man? What’s the fucking hurry? You couldn’t have waited another ten minutes, dipshit? It had better be a fucking good reason, Brother.”

  Looking anywhere but at me, he says, “Sorry man, the pres rang Maps and told him that he rang you about half an hour ago. Said he told you to put the plan in motion for tomorrow. Maps is in a bit of a panic and wants to get back to the motel, so he can go over the details. We all just want to get this shit done, Zeke.”

  Rubbing the back of my neck, I say, “For fuck sake, righto. Grab your shit and let’s go.” Walking over to the table, Maps and Cash stand up, tell the girls goodbye, thank them for the games of pool, and how it was nice meeting them. Seriously, not fucking impressed at having to take off for this fucking shit, but we have got to do what Pops says. The club comes first, no matter what. I walk straight over to Asha, who’s talking to Mel, but stops when I lean down. I hand her my phone whispering low into her ear, “Give me your digits, Sweetheart.” A little hesitant, she looks up at me, then over at her friends. She then looks back at me with a shy smile as she takes my phone and types in her number.

  Handing me back my phone, she says, “Send me through a text, so I’ll have your number too.” Giving her a sexy grin I say, “Will do, Sweetheart.” With a quick nod I turn around. I catch up to the guys before I change my mind to take her outside and fuck her senseless. We walk back to Cash’s van and drive back to the motel.

  As soon as I walk inside my motel room, I grab my phone and type out a text to Asha. After hitting send I put my phone and wallet down on the bedside table. As I stand back up I hear a knock at the door. I grab my gun out of the bedside drawer because I don’t think the brothers could be that quick. I walk over to the door and take a look through the peephole. Its Maps and the boys, they’re here early; that worked out good, we can hatch out this new plan. Putting the gun back into my bag, sitting open on the bed, I open up the door and let them in. We all sit down at the table as Maps hands each of us a beer from the six pack he’s brought with him. Spreading the map out in front of us, Maps points to a spot and says, “Right, this is their next stop. There’s a rest area 40km out of town. If we get out of here early and head straight to the rest area, we can wait there for them. Once they pass the rest area we can follow them straight into town. Z-man has the girl’s mobile number. I say he gives her a call, as a distraction; that way when she walks outside to talk to him we grab her. We need to get her outta there as fast as possible, and get her into the van. Zeke will be taking the van with Bullet, leaving the rest of us to take Bullet’s truck. After the girl is secured at Zeke’s place, we just need to wait until the pres decides the next steps of the plan.”

  Shaking my head, I say, “Fuck! I don’t like this shit at all, but yeah, man. It’s a good plan. We’ll stick with it and get her back to my place. Then, see what Pops wants to do next.” Finishing my beer I chuck the empty bottle in the bin, stretch my arms in the air and say, “Righto, boys I’m buggered. I’m gonna head to bed. Get outta here and go get some rest. Tomorrow is going to be a big day. I’ll meet you all at Cash’s van at six sharp.” The boys all stand, throwing their empty beer bottles in the bin and walk out the door, calling out, “Righto, Brother.”

  “Night, man.”

  “Catch ya in the morning.”

  Chapter 7


  Watching Zeke, Maps, Cash, and Bonkers walk out of the pub was fu
n. Damn those guys all have delicious arses; the manly sway of their walk is just, no words… I was disappointed because I was enjoying myself with Zeke. It’s a strange feeling I have with him, but I can’t explain it. I’m not sure I believe in love at first sight; lust maybe, but these feelings, are wow. They threw me for a loop because I wasn’t expecting to find a guy like him. Shaking the feelings from my head I continue to watch the man candy leave the building. I have Zeke’s number now. He was telling me he’s from a small country town about six hours from here. Even if I’m interested, it’s not like he’s going to want to continue a long distance relationship. Holy shit! The relationship word is already popping into my head. Can anyone say dirty whore? I give myself a mental boot up the bum because we are here to have fun, not to find a man. The girls and I finish up our drinks and walk, or maybe stumble a little, back to the motel. Giggling, laughing, and squealing about how fun the night was, we talked about how hot those men were. We enjoyed how good it was to just relax, and spend time with each other, not having to worry about work or men.

  Returning to the motel we all have our showers and get into our pyjamas. I’ve made everyone have a glass of water with some headache tablets, just to be safe. Goodness knows, we’ve definitely all had our share of alcohol for the night. I want Tilly to be right to drive in the morning. Tilly is telling us how she has a hard on for Maps, poor fella. Tilly is feisty, flirty, and lots of fun, but she’s a red head, so he’s got no chance. Especially when what Tilly wants, Tilly gets, every time. While Mel is crawling into bed she lifts an eyebrow, smirks, and says, “Soo…Til I was wondering… where did you and Maps get to, while the rest of us were playing that last game of pool, huh?”

  “Yeah, me too. Come on tell us. What did you do to the poor guy?” laughs Cassie.