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Break Down Page 19

  Chapter 39


  Snapping a picture of the beautiful little family reunion happening in front of me, I attach it in a text message, to a dear old friend and press send. I have the biggest smirk plastered on my face. So, all’s not what it seems in lover’s paradise. Fucking perfect, I knew I could count on family. I now have the all of those bitches in the one place. Perfect. Two down, three to go. I can’t help but rub my hands together like the evil fucking genius I am. My plan is going exactly the way I wanted it to.

  *Dexter – Looks like there’s trouble in lover’s paradise, Pretty Boy. You’ll never see her again. I’m going to finish them all.

  Chapter 40


  While Maps drives us to the clubhouse we chat amongst ourselves, trying to work out who was around and who wasn’t, yesterday. We know everyone from the club was at my place yesterday, except for the whores. With family and club gatherings, its family only, no whores allowed, so they all had to find their own things to do. Ruling out the prospects and the rest of the suspects, it leaves us with the whores. Bullet sent a text message to all of the whores on the drive over, telling them they had to be at the clubhouse this morning for an important meeting.

  Walking into the lounge area, I see all of the girls sitting around one of the coffee tables. I walk over to one of the single seats and sit down, taking a good look at all of them. None of them seem to be worried, they all smile, and look happy, even excited. “Hi, girls. I’ve gathered you all here today because we have a serious situation. There’s a traitor amongst you.” Pointing only at the girls one by one. There are a bunch of collective gasps; most of the girls have their hands over their mouths in shock.

  The room has grown quiet when all of a sudden Poppy starts shouting, “What the hell, Zeke? Is this shit for real? You can’t honestly think it’s one of us.” She waves her hands around the room.

  “Deadly serious, Poppy, and by the way you’re reacting, I think you might have something to hide,” I growl.

  Shaking her head furiously, she moves a protective hand to her belly and whispers, “I would never do that to you or the club, Zeke. I promise. You are all the only family I have, please?”

  Following her gaze, she’s looking over at Bullet with sadness in her eyes. Bullet is standing across from her with his arms crossed in a defensive stance; he stares daggers at her. So she quickly looks away from him, continuing to rub slow circles over her belly. When she realises I’m watching her, she removes her hand, as if she’s just been burnt. With big eyes and her mouth opening and closing like a fish, she stutters, “It’s no…not what…you…you think…Zeke…I…I…can expl…”

  With a finger to my lips, I signal her to stop speaking. Immediately she’s quiet; the room so quiet you could hear a pin drop. “Shhh, Poppy. I already know about.” I point to her stomach. “that, Bullet has already let the club know. Since I want to be sure who the father is, as much as I’m sure you do. I have ordered each of the brothers to have a DNA test done as soon as it can be.”

  “Wait, no…I know who the father is and he does too. This isn’t necessa…”

  Raising my voice, “No. You listen to me.” Pointing a sharp finger in her direction. “You, are nothing but a whore to these boys and this club, do you understand? You will have no say in this matter. The boys will have the tests, that’s the final fucking word on that situation. If anything, it will make the stupid dickheads realise they need to wrap their dicks up, EVERY. FUCKING. TIME!”

  Poppy nods, “Yes, Zeke, I understand. I’m sorry. It will just be a relief to have it over and done with.”

  “Right, now that situation has been sorted, can we please get back to the fucking topic at hand?” The room is still silent, so I continue. “As I was saying there have been nasty messages sent to my phone, in my home, and I want answers. I know one of you…” I scan the girls again and count them in my head Poppy, Polly, Minx but wait, where’s Nikita? That stupid conniving little cunt! Fuck! I stop suddenly when I realise one girl isn’t here. Fuck! That fucking bitch. Shaking my head I growl out, “Never mind girls. I was wrong, it wasn’t any of you; you are all free to go. Let this be a warning that if you ever, EVER, think about turning against this club, it will be the last thought you ever have, got it?”

  The girls are all too stunned to say anything. Hurrying out of the chairs, they scurry away like scared little mice. They should be, I won’t let this shit happen again. Jumping out of my chair, I make my way to the chapel. The brothers are following close behind me. “What the fuck was that all about, Cross?” Bullet and Maps yell together.

  “Tell me, Bullet, did you send Nikita a text message? When was the last time anyone saw her?”

  They all shake their heads, no. “Haven’t seen her, Boss, but I did send her the same message I sent the rest. I know she got it, because she replied back straight away saying, “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Crossing his arms back over his chest he growls, “Now, you, tell us.” Pointing at the rest of the brothers. “Why the fuck you just let them three go and stormed off?”

  “Did you hear what you just said? Three,” Holding up three fingers on one hand and with the other I point to him. “You said three. There should have been four fucking whores out there, Brother. What does that tell you? I think it tells us that we might have just found our traitor. She couldn’t just be late. Try her number again, now.”

  Bullet pulls his mobile phone out and dials Nikita’s number. He puts the phone on loudspeaker, so we can all hear. The only answer we get is this number has been disconnected. All together we yell, “Motherfucking cunt!”

  “Shit, Zeke, what are we gonna do Brother?” Cash shouts.

  “That stupid little whore!” Bullet yells.

  “That dirty little cunt!” Charge yells.

  “Fucking hell, shit just got real!” Zapper and Maximus say together.

  “We need to find her, and soon, Cross! Who knows where she is while we are here,” Maps says worriedly.

  Lost in my own thoughts, my phone beeps with an incoming text message. There’s a photo attached and what I see shocks the absolute shit out of me.

  *Unknown number – Looks like there’s trouble in lover’s paradise, Pretty Boy. You’ll never see her again. I’m going to finish them all.


  Picture of Asha in Vince’s arms

  How could this be? What the fuck? I look at the time on my phone. Shit, I’ve been here for over seven hours. The next thing I know, there’s another beep from my phone; another fucking unknown number. Does this jerk ever fucking give up? Doesn’t he know he’s already gotten to me?


  My girl. Dammit. Zoom and Charge were right. My selfish ways have come back twice as hard to bite me on the arse. I love you so much, Asha, so much, Sweetheart. Fuck! How do I stay away from her? I’ll have to. I can’t start a war, not now. I need to keep Asha safe. Scrubbing my hands over my face and head, I yell, “FUCK! SO FUCKING STUPID! FUCK!”

  Coming in close the boys are all asking questions, but I can’t speak. I’ve lost my girl. It wasn’t supposed to happen like this. At least I know she’s safe, but for how long? I don’t know. I need to call Vince, soon.

  Bullet snatches the phone from me, staring at the picture, “Fucking hell. Shit really has hit the fan, now.”

  Maps looks over his shoulder and says, “Do you think she’s gonna say anything, Zeke?” Bullet hands me the phone.

  I stay silent and shrug my shoulders.

  “C’mon, Cross. Wake up, Brother, we need to know what you want us to do about this.”

  My body begins to shake. I don’t want to be here when I fall apart, so I don’t answer any of them. I don’t speak to any of them. I turn my back on my brot
hers, and walk away. I climb on my bike, starting the machine, hearing the sweet sound of those pipes. With the engine revving, I peel out of the gates. Flicking rocks and gravel in all directions. I don’t care, I feel numb. No, I feel nothing. All I want to do is ride. So that’s what I do, ride.

  Chapter 41


  There’s one more message I need to send.

  *Dexter - Nice Work, Cousin.

  My phone beeps straight away.

  *Nikita – I’ll be home tomorrow.

  To be continued…

  Book 2 in the Break Series – Break Open

  Coming Soon.

  About Author

  Firstly I would just like to say a BIG, HUGE, THANK YOU for reading my first book, so THANK YOU! Now about me – I am a mum of three beautiful children and a wife to an amazing husband. I live in a small city near the beach in Queensland, Australia. I love reading, writing and the occasional glass of wine. I’m addicted to peanut MnM’s, my husband is always threatening to hide them on me.

  To find out more about Break Open, book 2 in the Break series, here are the links –

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