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Break Down Page 18

  He starts to relax, though. He pushes himself up, looking down at me, a huge smile on his face. “I love you, too, Asha. I’ve been falling in love with you, more every day.” All I can do is smile; my face starts to hurt because I can’t wipe the smile from my face. I’m so happy right now. Lifting up he says, “Give me a second, I’ll be right back.” He stands up to get rid of the used protection. Once he’s done he comes back, in all of his naked glory, and lies down beside me. I can’t wait any longer; I climb on top of him and start to kiss him everywhere. He laughs, “Are you happy, Beauty? Because right now there’s nowhere I’d rather be than here with you.”

  With one final kiss, I sit back up straddling his hips and say, “Yes, Zeke, I’m on cloud nine. I don’t think I could be any happier…” With a seriousness tone in my voice, I say, “Only one thing would make me happier right now.”

  Rolling my nipples between his fingers, I let out a moan as he asks, “’Oh yeah, and what would that be?”

  “Ahhhh, oh, my God, Zeke, you can’t keep doing that, it’s distracting me. Stop.” We both laugh. He doesn’t stop, he keeps rolling them gently between his thumb and finger, so I say, “Food, I need food and since you say you have this amazing cooking talent, I want to put you to the test.”

  With a hard pinch, he lets go of one nipple, and uses that hand to slap my arse, “Is that right? Well you’ll need to take those sweet titties out of my eyesight, I can’t concentrate because they have me hypnotized.”

  Feigning innocence, I put the back of my hand to my forehead and say, “Good sir, surely not. I’m a good girl, I don’t know this harlot you speak of.” Laughing he brings me down for a kiss, and then moves me off him.

  “Come on, Asha, you haven’t had anything to eat all day. I need to feed you. Luckily for you, there are plenty of leftovers from the barbeque you didn’t stay around for.” I find one of Zeke’s t-shirts and throw it on, following him downstairs. I’m not looking forward to where this conversation is headed.

  Chapter 37


  All I want to do right now fist pump the air, give myself a high five, and carry Asha back up those stairs to fuck her, all over again. That was the most intense sex I’ve ever had; it might be because I knew the girl I was making love to loves me. I love her, too. What a bloody day and night. Never thought I would actually get to sleep with Asha before I let her go, but it’s happened now, which is going to make letting her go even fucking harder.

  Opening the fridge I take out the plates of meat and assorted salads. Opening a packet of bread rolls, I take out two for myself and one for Asha. After I’ve made our burgers and dished up some salad on the side, I sit the plates up on the bar. Making a couple of drinks, I put them down, taking my seat while I wait for Asha to come out. “Mmmmmm, Zeke the food smells amazing.” Asha says as she walks over, placing a kiss on my lips, and sits on the seat next to me.

  “I didn’t know what you would want so, I put a little of each dish on there for you.” Asha takes a bite of her burger, so I use this chance to ask her about what happened this afternoon. “Asha, I want to ask you about earlier, what happened, Sweetheart? Why’d you run?”

  Choking a little, I pat her back. “Thanks.” Sighing she says, “I don’t know, Zeke. As soon as you saw me this morning when you were on the phone, you’ve been distant. It’s not the first time it’s happened. Ever since you brought me back here, you either ignore me, walking away from me with no explanation, or are looking at me with a sadness and guilt, that I don’t understand. It’s confusing as hell, I don’t know whether you are going to be hot or cold towards me when I speak to you.” Hunching her shoulders she continues, “This afternoon, I came out ready to mingle and meet your friends…it would have been nice to be warned you were having a barbeque. I would have been more prepared. As soon as I walked out, and saw you and your friend look over at me; he said something. You both laughed, still staring at me…it…well…it felt like I was the butt end of whatever joke you two were chatting about…you know? I felt awkward and uncomfortable. I couldn’t stay out there any longer, Zeke, I just couldn’t.”

  What the fuck? Shit. Bloody Cash, that fucker and he’s dirty jokes. I was laughing, but not at my girl, never at my girl. Shit, I’ve got some explaining to do. “Argghh. Shit, Sweetheart.” Taking hold of her hand, I lean into give her a kiss on top of her head, “I wasn’t laughing at you, I swear. That was Felix by the way; he’s a mate of mine. He’s always telling dirty jokes, he was in the middle of telling me one, at the same time you walked onto the veranda. I’m so fucking sorry, Asha, for everything. This is new to me, I don’t know how this sugary shit is supposed to work, how I’m supposed to behave, forgive me, Beauty?”

  I look down into her eyes and realise she has a frightened expression on her face. Paying attention, even more now than before, I follow her gaze to the big window at the front. Jumping up I race to flick the switch that frosts the window. Pulling out my phone, I dial Bullet, he answers with, “Yeah, Boss?”

  “Bring the brothers out to my place now. I’ll tell you when you get here.” Hanging up the phone, I walk back over to Asha. Cupping her jaw I bring her face to look at mine, “Asha, it’s okay, I’ve called a cop buddy of mine. He’s on his way here. Come on, come and sit down with me.” Once I have her seated on the lounge, I put my hand on her back and start rubbing up and down. “Asha, talk to me please, tell me what you’re thinking about?”

  Asha starts shaking and her teeth start to chatter together, “I…I…I don’t know…Zeke. What…the hell…is going on? Why would…some…one…write that about me?”

  I pick her up and bring her over to sit on my lap, once she snuggles under my chin I say, “I don’t know, Sweetheart, but, I’m going to fucking find out.” Ten minutes later, I hear Asha softly snoring, so I lay her down on the lounge. As I’m putting a blanket over her, my phone beeps with a text message.

  *Unknown number – I hope your little girlfriend got her message, Pretty Boy! I’m coming for her.

  I jump when I hear a knock at the door. I grab my gun from the hiding hole in the kitchen. I walk to the side door, cautiously opening it when I hear Bonkers growl, “It’s us, don’t shoot.”

  Putting the safety back on, I open the door, signalling them to stay out there. I don’t want to frighten Asha, anymore then she already is. Returning to the door, I go outside, together the brothers and I walk around to inspect the damage. “Motherfucker.” I growl out angrily. There on my front veranda are the dead piglets and an empty bucket. Turning the light on my phone on, so we can have a better look, I’m sickened. The whole front veranda is covered in pig’s blood. On the front window, in big lettering is, “HE’S COMING FOR YOU, ASHA!” The blood is still warm and running down the windows. “Whoever fucking did this can’t be too far away. Did you lot pass any cars on your way here?”

  “Nah, Cross, nothing.” Cash says.

  “Righto, Cash, I want you and Bonkers in the buggy, do a perimeter check around the place for me.” Pointing to Bullet and Maps, “I need both of you with me, we’re gonna do a quick search around the house yard.” Pointing to the other boys I say, “I want the rest of you to take one of the cars you drove here in, and park at the gate, see if anyone comes out.”

  Salutes and nods come from everyone as they set of to do their task. “Fucking hell! How the fuck did this happen, Zeke?” Maps asks.

  “I was busy with my girl, alright. I had the music blaring, otherwise, I would have heard the quiet motherfucker. This prick is getting gamer by the day. He sent a text, not even a minute before you guys rocked up. We need to catch this prick soon.”

  Two hours later and nothing, not a fucking thing. “Righto, boys, the sun’s coming up, you boys can go. Come back this arvo for a proper barbeque this time, Asha and I had a talk and you” I point a hard finger towards Cash, “No more fucking dirty jokes. Behave yourself, right?”

  ‘Sure, Brother. You got it, whatever you need,” he replies with a smir

  Chapter 38


  Waking with a fright, I jump. Opening my eyes I see Zeke sitting down in front of me, head down. That’s strange. “Zeke?” He doesn’t answer, so I poke him. He jumps, the same reaction I had waking up. With a sickening chill running down my spine, everything from last night comes back to me. Everything was going perfect, I was about to tell Zeke I forgave him for acting like such a tool. Before I could answer him my eyes were drawn to movement at the front window. That’s when I saw the blood words written there. I can still see them now, “HE’S COMING FOR YOU, ASHA!” Why would someone write that, I don’t understand what’s going on here. I guess I’ll find out soon enough.

  “Morning, Beauty. How are you?”

  Sitting up, I rub my hands up and down my arms because I feel chilled. “Nope. I don’t understand this, Zeke. Why would anyone do this, and to me? What the hell have I done?”

  “I don’t know, but my guys are working on it, as we speak.”

  “Okay, Zeke.”

  “Do you want to go have a shower while I make you some breakfast?”

  With a nod, “Yeah, that would be great, thanks. I’ll be back in ten.”

  “No rush, Sweetheart.”

  Today I decide on a deep purple maxi dress. It’s beautiful. Walking out of the room, I hear Zeke on the phone, “Yeah, Doc, I can do that. I just need to feed her first and then we’ll head over. Cheers, see you soon.”

  “Everything okay?”

  Looking up, Zeke nods, “Yeah, all good. That was Justin, he said his friend has arrived earlier and that he can see you this morning, if you want.”

  “Great. I was supposed to see him tomorrow, but today will be fine, too.”

  “I’ve got to go and see the boys in blue this morning, so I’ll leave the truck with you, Tracks and Eli will meet us at the doctor’s place, okay?” Zeke asks, as he slides my breakfast over. I’ve already started eating, so with my mouth full I give a quick nod. Bacon and eggs, yum, damn this man can cook. “I’ll go get ready while you finish eating. By the way, Asha, you look beautiful this morning.”

  An hour later, Zeke and I are at the doctor’s place. His friends are already there, and as they hop out of the car I get a flash of something. I don’t know what, but they look familiar. I put it down to them maybe being at the pub that night. I shrug the flashback off to think about later. Zeke’s hot friends wave a hello and I wave back. Placing the truck keys in my hand, Zeke pulls me in for a kiss and says, “I’ll be back soon. I love you, Asha.”

  Smiling, I kiss him back harder, mumbling, “I love you, too, Zeke.” Climbing into his friend’s truck they drive away.

  Two hours later and I’ve finished with the doctor’s friend. He was a great help. Now I understand a bit more about this condition. He thinks there’s a very good chance of my memory returning soon. He’s not worried about the dizzy spells, as long as they don’t come back. He said if they did then I should go to the hospital straight away, but apart from that I’m all right. We sat there for a long while chatting about the different types of amnesia and the causes. It was really interesting.

  Walking down the driveway, I stumble, and almost fall on my face. Looking around to make sure no one has seen me and it’s clear, I’m saved from the embarrassment. I walk a little quicker to Zeke’s truck, climb in. The driver’s seat is too far back for me so I reach under to pull the metal bar that adjusts the seat. I pull it a few times and it wouldn’t budge. I climb back out of the truck, leaning down to have a look under the seat. I can see material, leather, so I pull it out. It’s a leather vest with a circular patch on the back that says Satan’s Scoundrels. Thinking nothing more of it I toss it onto the passenger seat. I start the car and the radio comes on, blaring out, “Take it Easy” by The Eagles. I sit there, frozen in place.

  The first memory that comes back is one of my dad and me, sitting on the deck at home. He’s drinking a beer while I chatter away to him. In this memory The Eagles are playing in the background. Two weeks later my parents died, they were renovating another house when dodgy wiring started a fire. After that first memory hits, all of my memories come flooding back. Hitting me one by one. Flooding my body and mind with so many different emotions, I can’t keep up.

  As I sit frozen, the leather cut catches my eye and I feel sick. Satan’s Scoundrels, the Satan’s Scoundrels. Shit that’s who I’m with, one of them? I don’t know what kind of sick joke this is but I need to get out of here. Holy fucking fuck, that lying piece of shit. Has he known who I was the entire time? Could it be a coincidence? He’s been taking care of me. Fuck. I don’t know anymore. I’m soooooo fucking stupid. OH, MY GOD. Mum and Dad. Vince, shit, I need to call him, now. Shit. Do I tell him where I’ve been? Zeke, that fucker. Oh God, I fucking love him. Idiot. What the fuck am I going to do? Where do I tell Vince I’ve been all this time? He’s probably tried all of the hospitals? FUCK! Brilliant timing brain, just fucking brilliant.

  After ten minutes of sitting frozen in the truck, I have a plan formed in my head. First I’ll call Vince and let him know I’m alive. Looking at the fuel gage I know I’ll make it to the city on this tank. I think about confronting Zeke, but I chicken out. I think it will be best if I get the hell away from him, and this town, before he can cause me any more heartache. Turning out onto the road, I turn the music up loud. I just want to drown out this new reality, for a while. I don’t want to think about how stupid I’ve been.

  I arrive in the city, and its pouring rain. That would be right, perfect weather to match the way I’m feeling right now, absolutely fucking miserable, sad, and scared. I still can’t believe Zeke has done this to me. I know he didn’t cause the crash, but what if he knew who I was, the entire time. He must have balls of fucking steel knowing that if Vince ever found out I was with him, and he didn’t let my brother know, he’d be a dead man. Vince is a good guy, but this, would be unforgivable in his eyes. The tears haven’t stopped the whole way here. My eyes are sore, and puffy from continuous crying. My cheeks are stinging from the wetness the tears have caused. I thought the music would help, but it didn’t. I just want to lay down somewhere and sleep this fucking nightmare away. I want to wake up, and find out that some crazy maniac didn’t try to kill my friends and I by throwing a bomb at the car; the man I love, honestly didn’t know who I was when he took me from the car. That he hasn’t tricked me into loving him. My brain won’t stop, I have all of these thoughts going through my mind; the leather cut that belongs to someone from the Satan’s Scoundrels, the feud between my brother’s club and them. Did he really love me? If he did, how could he have done any of this? I was sure he loved me, I felt it. When I was with him I felt safe. I felt protected, and I felt…loved.

  I drive around until I find the shopping centre. Parking in one of the spaces, I don’t care which one because from here I’m catching a taxi to the train station. I would rather fly, but I don’t have any identification, so that rules that out.

  Walking into the shopping centre, I find a payphone. Dialling Vince’s number on reverse charges, I have to say my name to the operator before he can accept the charges. When I hear him pick up and hear my name, I’m pretty sure he freezes. The operator clears her throat and says, “Sir? Sir are you there? Will you accept a reverse charge call from a Miss Asha Rowe?”

  I jump when I hear Vince yell, “Yes. Fuck. Yes!” Once he’s agreed, the operator puts me through. I’m lost for words, I shouldn’t be but I am. Vince speaks first. I can hear the happiness in his voice when he says, “Fuck. Asha is that you? I mean is it really you, Sis? Where are you and I’ll come get you?” I’m still silent and I can hear the desperation in his voice when he says, “Asha please are you there? FUCK! Please Asha, answer me please.” I’m still trying to speak, but there are too many tears. I’m getting to the point where I can’t speak without hiccupping; doing that stupid half breathing when you’ve over cried. He hears me and says calmly, “Aww shit, I’m sorry Ash, sooo fucking sorry. Ple
ase calm down, I need you to tell me where to get you. I’ve missed you sooo much, Baby Sister. I’ve been looking everywhere for you, fuck. Everywhere, but it was all the same, nothing, Sis. No one could tell us anything. Are you okay? Are you hurt?”

  Five minutes of hiccupping and Vince’s strong, soft, caring big brother voice, I say, “I’m okay, Big Brother. I’ve missed you, too. I’m so tired can you book me a train ticket home? I don’t have any identification on me, so I can’t fly. I promise as soon as I’m home, I’ll explain everything to you, please?”

  Sighing he says, “Yeah, of course, Ash. Tell me where you are. I’ll get Wizard to book it, right away.”

  “Thank you,” I whisper. I give him the details, and he has Wizard booking the ticket while he keeps me on the phone telling me how much everyone misses me. I said I’d ring him back to find out the details of the train ticket, but he was very adamant in his answer, “NO!”

  Twenty minutes later, I’m comfortably seated in my own cabin on the train. I have my own fold out bed. It’s not comfortable at all, but at this moment in time I’m not going to complain. I lie down, feeling the slight jolt of the train, as we start moving. The train picks up speed, I can’t wait to be reunited with my big brother and family. I start to think about Zeke, and this fucking mess before drifting off to sleep.

  I don’t know how long I sleep, but I’m woken by the loud voice coming through the speaker in my cabin. “Ladies and gentleman, we’ll be arriving at our destination in fifteen minutes. If everyone can gather their luggage as we get ready to stop.

  I sit up and stretch out. I start feeling dizzy, but I would say it’s from all of the crying I’ve done today. I look out my window and see home. The train begins to slow down as the driver says, “We’re here folks, if you can all make your way to the exits sensibly. See you next time.” I make my way to the nearest exit. As I step off the train, I spot my big brother, and run as fast as I can into his arms.