Break Down Read online

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  Chapter 35


  That motherfucker! I don’t know if that bastard Zeke is telling me the truth, or feeding more bullshit. One way or another, I’m going to find out. I’ll give it until next Sunday. If Asha isn’t back before then, I’m going after him.

  I’m still in a pissed off mood when Aim comes walking towards me, “Morning, Pres. You all good?”

  “As fucking good as I’ll ever be, until I find my baby sister, man. I want her back. I need to find the motherfucking prick who has her. All this guessing is doing my head in, my head is all over the place, Brother.”

  With a hard pat on the back he says, “Fuck, Vince. We all want her back. We are giving it all we got to find out where she is. We got a call this morning from Colt. Gwen received a threatening letter this morning; it came with a bunch of lilies. They are usually funeral flowers.”

  A wave of realisation hits me, “Fuck. We need to go and see Gwen at the hospital. I spoke to Tilly yesterday. She told me Gwen has already attempted suicide. This…might put her over the edge, Brother. I need to go, you coming?”

  “Jesus. Why didn’t you tell me, Brother? We should have gone to see her sooner. Shit. Let me grab my stuff and we’ll go.”

  I walk towards Gwen’s room. I’ve spared no expense and made sure it’s a private one. As I get closer, I see a flower delivery guy. With a quick stride I make my way over to him. I bail him up against the wall. Not touching him, yet, as much as I want to grab the fucker by the throat, and threaten him to tell me who ordered the flowers for Gwen. “Hey, mate. Are you the normal flower delivery guy for this place?”

  I expect the guy to shit himself but he smirks and says, “No mate, I’m filling in this week. Why’s that, your flowers go to the wrong girl?” he chuckles to himself.

  “Funny fucker, aren’t ya? Look, mate, my girl in there.” I point into Gwen’s room. “She got a bunch of flowers this morning, how can I find who sent them to her?”

  With a shrug of his shoulders he says in a smart arse tone, “I don’t have a fucking clue, man. I just deliver the flowers; you’ll have to ring the store and the manager. You right now? Can I go? I got more deliveries to get to.”

  Running my fingers through my hair, “Yeah, piss off. A lot of help you were, mate, thanks.” With an evil smirk the guy stalks off towards the exit. Fucking useless wanker. Shaking off the bad vibes from that dude, I walk into Gwen’s room. Taking a quick glance around her room I see she’s not in her bed, or in any of the chairs around the room. Looking over to Aim, “She’s not in here, Brother. Can you go and check with the nurse at the desk, see if she was allowed out into the garden or café.” With a sharp nod of his head, Aim walks swiftly out to ask a nurse. Shit. Where is she? I look over to the bathroom and I get a bad feeling, a really bad feeling. In a few long strides I’m at the bathroom door, banging and calling out, “Gwen. Gwen, you in here, Darlin?” I try and open the door but it’s locked, fuck! “Gwen, come on, Darlin, open the door for me, please.” As I’m about to kick the door in, Aim comes running in the room after two nurses and a doctor. “What the fuck is going on?”

  I look to the nurse for any information, but she has a panicked look on her face and she says, “Excuse me, I need to get in there, I have a key.”

  I give the nurses and doctor room to unlock the door, and as soon as it opens… “Holy fuck! Fuck, Boss, I think I’m gonna spew.” Covering his mouth, I see Aim dry retching. Grabbing his shoulder to steady myself, he asks, pain etched in his voice, “How…the fuck…could…this happen, Brother? Who would do this to her? Fucking hell, Brother, how are we gonna tell the others?” Aim walks over and sits in one of the chairs as one of the nurses walks past me. I recognise her; her name is Jophiel. I went to high school with her.

  I follow her out and grab ahold of her arm, “How the fuck did this happen? Why wasn’t anyone with her? Where is the guy I had placed with her? Did he let anyone at the desk know he was going anywhere?”

  With a frightened look on her face she speaks, so low that I nearly can’t hear her, “Vince, I…I…I don’t know, I only started my shift fifteen minutes ago. And…I thought you saw…in the bathroom…there’s a man’s body behind the door. I’m sorry, Vince, so sorry. Please excuse me, I need to call the police, right now.” Leaving me standing there, Jophiel scurries off to call this into the police.

  I walk back into the room, past Aim, “Go wait out at the bikes, man. I’ll be out in ten.” With a nod he walks out. I make my way over to the grizzly site. I peek my head in and look behind the door. Sure enough, the guard I placed there is dead. Covering my mouth, I step back quickly, and race out of the room. I stop there, bending over, hands on my knees, taking in deep breaths. I feel like I’m going to pass out, when I feel a small hand on my back.

  The hand starts to rub circles and she says, “Are you okay, Vince?”

  With my hands on my knees, I shake my head and say, “No. Why would you even fucking ask such a question? One of my sister’s best friends is in there.” I stand up now, meeting her eyes and pointing behind me. “She’s in there…with…fuck with her wrists sliced open and…fuck…her…fucking heart is in her fucking hand. Why would you think I’d be okay after seeing that? Then, there’s the guy, a good friend of mine in there…with his…fucking head in his hands…” I lean back down again, trying to breathe, because I’m struggling to keep it together, right now. I can’t fucking believe this has happened here, in the fucking hospital, of all places. I stand there taking deep breaths until I can trust myself to stand without passing out on the floor. “Listen, thanks, Jophiel. I need to get out of here, tell the cops they know where I am when they need their questions answered.” I walk away, struggling to keep myself together. I need to get out of here, now.

  Arriving back at the clubhouse, I gather the boys and tell them to wait for me in the chapel. I go into my office, shut and lock the door. I completely lose it. I pull the filing cabinets over, flip my desk, kick my chair, and finally, fall to my knees and break down.

  I don’t realise I’ve blacked out until I hear the brothers shouting at each other, and calling out my name. I lay still, not wanting to be seen this weak, but that gets fucked up when Saint kicks the door in. He crouches down in front of me and I have a de’ja vu moment of a scene that happened between us, not that long ago. It breaks me again, and I lose it again. Crying for my sister, crying for Gwen, for the mate I lost, who was just helping me out. I cry for the girls and their families left behind. “Vince, Brother. Are you alright? What the fuck happened? We’ve been waiting in the chapel for half an hour. Aim won’t fucking tell us. What’s going on? Every time we ask, he nearly spews in his hand, Brother. This is some serious shit that you boys saw, we all need to know, now, Brother.”

  With shuddering breaths, I let out a long sigh, “Righto.” I get myself up and walk to the chapel with my brothers walking behind me. We all take our seats and I begin, “Before this morning happened I went to visit Tilly. When I asked her how Gwen was, she said she had tried to commit suicide. She was having trouble dealing with the loss of her leg and the news about Asha. Colt got word this morning that Gwen received a threatening letter. It was with a bunch of flowers she had delivered to her. Worried that this letter could set her off again, Aim and I headed straight to the hospital to check on her, and see how she was doing. I spotted the flower guy outside her room. When I questioned him, he had nothing to give us, so I told him to piss off. Once he walked off, we went into Gwen’s room, and she wasn’t in there. I asked Aim to check with the nurses, to see if she was allowed out into the garden or something. The next thing I know I’m calling out to her to see if she’s in the bathroom, but it was locked, so I called out louder. Still nothing, I was about to kick the door in when Aim come running in with nurses and a doctor. When they opened that door…Fuck.” Putting my head in my hands I shake my head. “Gwen and her guard were dead, murdered.” Gasps, and “Fucks” are shouted around the room.

ounding his fist on the table Aim shouts, “It’s got to be that Dexter bloke she was dating.”

  Sighing, “I don’t know, Brother. I haven’t got a fucking clue. What I do know is that we need to bring Cassie and Tilly here, after this meeting.” Pointing to Judge, Rocky and Dice, I say, “I need you three to head over there, now, and collect the girls. Please don’t tell them anything about Gwen, just yet. I’ll tell them, I just need time, okay?”

  “Righto, Boss.” Judge salutes me.

  “You need anything else, Brother?” Rocky asks.

  “Nah, man. We are good here, for now. Make sure the girls have enough clothes and whatever they need for an extended stay. They won’t be safe until we find this dangerous prick.”

  “Sure thing, Pres.” Dice says as all three men walk out of the chapel.

  Chapter 36


  We drive back to Zeke’s place in silence. This silence is deafening. It’s horrible, I feel like whatever I walked out on this morning wasn’t meant for my ears. It’s put a distance between us that seems to be building by the day. I didn’t hear anything about the conversation anyway; only that Zeke was angry and yelling at whoever was on the other end of that phone. Poor bloke…but then…maybe…it wasn’t a guy; maybe he has a girlfriend. Fucking hell, just my luck that he would. Shaking that thought out of my head, we pull up at Zeke’s house. Without a word, I get out of the car and walk straight into my room. I half expect Zeke to follow me, to see if I’m okay, but he doesn’t. I don’t know how to feel about that. It’s like he’s purposely distancing himself from me. I don’t know why he’s doing it but it breaks my heart. I’m proud of myself, this time I don’t cry. I’ve had enough crying, for now. I decide to take a nap, and calm down. I’m thinking too much, again.

  A few hours later, I hear lots of laughter coming from the back veranda. I can hear kids squealing and laughing, too. They must be having a lot of fun. I throw on a red maxi dress, and give myself a once over in the mirror to make sure I look okay. I’m decent; it’ll have to do. I spritz myself with some perfume Zeke gave me. It smells divine, like night time and jasmine flowers mixed together. Happy, I plaster a smile on my face and walk out to find Zeke. Holy shit! There’s over twenty people here. Crap, now I’m nervous. As I walk out onto the back veranda, I spot Zeke, he’s deep in conversation. The guy he’s chatting to has dark, longish, brown hair. He’s very rugged looking, with a scar on his bottom lip and chin, but his beard covers it up. He has grey, blue eyes. He is very handsome. He would be over six feet tall. As if he knows I’m looking at him, he turns my way and gives me a wicked smile. Sorry buddy, I’m taken. Wait, no I’m not. If I was, I wouldn’t have been discarded and left in my room while Zeke was out here entertaining his friends. Returning his smile, he nudges Zeke’s arm with his; now both men are staring at me. Zeke and his friend start laughing. I turn away, embarrassed as I feel like the butt end of their joke. I don’t hesitate and walk very quickly back to my room, locking the door.

  It only takes seconds before I hear Zeke at the door. He tries to open the door, but finds it locked, he says, “Asha, what are you doing? Let me in, please.” I ignore him. I’m over this stupid cat and mouse game we are playing. First he’s all over me, flirting with me, treating me like a princess, and then he turns into the ice king, and freezes me out. I just don’t get it. He tries again, “Please let me in, Asha.” I hear him lean against the door as his head makes a small thump sound. I wait him out, though. I think he might stay until I open the door, but I hear someone call out his name, and he walks away. I stay in my room for hours, keeping the door locked.

  Eventually, the noise outside stops, and the house goes quiet. That’s when I hear it, a song I’ve never heard before. The guy is singing, asking if the other person can feel his heart. For a rough song it’s quite beautiful. I unlock the door and sneak out to the lounge room. I spot Zeke on the lounge with his head in his hands, a drink on the coffee table in front of him. The song that was playing; plays again. Zeke just sits there, unmoving, he looks destroyed; a man torn in different directions, but doesn’t know which way he should choose. He looks so damn hot sitting there brooding. He’s shirtless, with only a pair of blue denim jeans on. He looks bloody yummy; all I want to do is lick him all over. I can see tattoos, but I can’t make them out because the only light in here is a soft glow coming from his room upstairs. I almost turn and walk away from him. With one final, what the hell moment, I walk slowly towards the lounge. I walk around and stand in front of him; he doesn’t look up, staying where he is. It’s at that moment I see a tear running down his cheek. Still standing in front of him, I use my finger to wipe the tear away. He still doesn’t move, so I move forward, bringing his head to rest on my stomach. I start to massage his neck and hair as he lifts his head back just a little bit. He grabs the bottom of my dress, slowly raising it; I’m exposed from the waist down. He starts to plant whisper soft kisses all over my belly, journeying down lower, but stops. Finally, looking up at me, I see how bloodshot his eyes are. My heart breaks a little more. Here I was being a selfish bitch when he’s hurting, too. I didn’t even think to ask him about what’s going on. As he stands up he pulls my dress fully over my head. I’d taken my bra off earlier, when I was in my room, so there was nothing but my panties in the way now. With a sad, but appreciative glance over my body, he smiles, and whispers into my ear, “I’m lost to you, Asha. You’re stunning, you take my breath away every time I get to look at you.”

  I blush. He makes me feel beautiful. No matter how uncomfortable I feel about my body, he takes that feeling away with a look. Looking up into his eyes, I feel the love between us as I whisper back, “I’m lost to you, too, Zeke. You make me feel like I’ve never felt before, I think I’m falling in lov…” I don’t get to finish my sentence before Zeke devours my lips with his own. With one quick sweep, he lifts me in the air, as I wrap my legs around his hips. I can feel his erection pressing into me. Oh God, this man makes me feel soo good. Instantly my panties are damp. I wiggle my hips a little bit trying to gain some friction on that sweet spot.

  “Whoa, slow down there, Beauty. I don’t want to disappoint you. If you keep wiggling your hips like that, I’m gonna blow my load before we even hit the stairs.”

  “Okay, Zeke. I’ll try to hold back just for you.” I can’t help but laugh out.

  Zeke walks us backwards towards the stairs that lead to his room. He sits me on the step behind me. Once he’s satisfied I’m not going to slip off he leans into me, kissing with a passion he hasn’t before. I kiss him back, excitement building. Between kisses he says, “Are you sure you want this, Asha? If you don’t tell me to stop, right now, I’m going to take you upstairs and fuck you, until you’re screaming out my name. Do you hear me, Sweetheart?

  What else can I do, of fucking course I want this with him, so nodding my head, I breathlessly say, “I want this, Zeke. I want you so bad. Please take me upstairs!”

  With an intense gaze, he orders, “Walk, Asha, now.”

  I’m not going to argue with that, his sexy alpha male act turns me on. I turn and hastily make my way upstairs. As I reach the bed, Zeke walks up behind me, gripping onto my hips, he pulls me back, so that I’m leaning into his front. Pulling my hair to one side, he breathes a hot breath onto my neck then whispers into my ear, “I want these off, Asha.” As he flicks my panties against me; then he gives my arse a swift slap. With a rough voice, “I want this arse on my bed, now.” So I bend down, teasingly swaying my hips as I slowly slide my panties down my legs. Intentionally giving him a little preview of what he’s about to receive. When he comes up behind me, this time I can feel him. He’s completely naked as he rubs he hard erection against my arse a few times. He lets go, turning me around, and gently pushing me back onto his bed. I wriggle back a little until my head is on the pillows. Zeke hasn’t moved, he’s still standing there watching me closely. As my eyes run along his body, they stop at his very large, very thick cock. Oh my God, this is
really happening. Zeke interrupts my thoughts with a chuckle, “Like what you see?”

  Licking my lips, all I can manage is a raucous, “Hell, yes.” This makes him chuckle even more. As I watch him walk over to his drawers, he pulls out a condom. “Safety First” I think I may have just screamed if he didn’t have any of those, phew! I watch as he rips the little package open, sliding the condom over his erection. He squeezes a bit of lube on there too. Making his way back over to me, he slides his hand up and down his hard cock. “Stop teasing me, Hot Stuff, you know I want you.” I finish my sentence with a wink, Holy Hell! He makes it over to the bed in the blink of an eye.

  In a flash he’s straddling my hips, rubbing his cock up and down my slick pussy. He’s paying extra attention to my clit, gently circling it with the tip of his cock. Moaning out, I arch my back because every pass he does over my sensitive clit sends shocks through my body. When I look at him he’s concentrating hard on what he’s doing. I need more, so I lift my hips up. He leans down, lining up his cock with my pussy; he kisses me, groaning into my mouth, “You ready, Asha?”

  Whispering back, “Yes.” He pushes into me and we both moan out. As he moves in and out, I grab ahold of his back, digging my nails in because he feels so good, so damn good. I start lifting my hips up to meet his thrusts. We continue to move like this, together. “Oh God, Zeke, you feel so good. This feels so good.”

  “You ready, Beauty?” That’s when I feel my orgasm building. He must feel my pussy begin to tighten when he says to me, “I want you screaming my name, Asha. I can feel you, you’re close. I want you to come with me.”

  It’s not long after he speaks that I scream out his name, moaning with unbelievable pleasure bursting through me. He comes with me, calling out my name. Zeke collapses on top of me, breathing heavy, both of us trying to catch our breath. “Oh my God, Zeke, that was amazing. You are amazing, I love you.” He stiffens and I start to panic. Seriously, Asha? You pick now to say I love you. Yeah, he just gave you an awesome orgasm, but damn.