Break Down Read online

Page 11

  “Okay, that’s sounds alright. So, how was your morning?”

  I tense, not expecting her to ask about my morning. I’ll just tell her about the garage. I own it, but she doesn’t need to know that. I recover quickly. I don’t think she noticed, “Not much, a meeting at the garage where I work. They were letting me know this week we aren’t really busy, so, I have taken the week off to look after you. Once you’re feeling better, I can take you on the buggy and show you around my property, I’ve got three hundred acres. I have a bunch of dams that we can go swimming in. I also have a few horses, fifty head of cattle, six pigs, twenty chooks and ducks. The ducks drive me absolutely bat-shit crazy; those fuckers shit everywhere. I’ve got a couple of four wheelers, and a buggy we can take out to explore the property. You’re gonna love it, it’s so peaceful out there. Do you know how to ride a horse, Asha?”

  Looking down at my girl, she squirms, “Ummm, no I don’t, they freak me out. They are bloody. But, I would love to watch you ride.” I can’t help myself this time, a huge snort comes out of my mouth and nose; I burst out laughing and she slaps me, but I keep laughing. Now she is laughing too, it’s a gorgeous laugh. I’m still trying to stop the laughter when she says, “Oh, my God, not that kind of riding. Get your mind outta the gutter, Hot Stuff.”

  Fucking hell, I wish she meant that kind of riding. As soon as it was out of her mouth, I instantly pictured her on top, riding my dick, hard, with her pretty titties bouncing around in my face. Fuck. My balls are aching now and my dick is throbbing. I need to get those sweet images out of my head. I’m still laughing when I say, “I know you didn’t, Beauty, but, shit, that made my fucking day, Sweetheart. Now my dick is rock hard. Fuck. It’s killing me to be around you. You know how beautiful you are, right?”

  As soon as I mention how hard my cock is she looks straight down at my erection, which is now straining against my jeans. She’s still staring, so I clear my throat to get her attention back. Damn, she fucking grins and winks at me, AGAIN. Fuck, it turns me the hell on, that wink of hers is the hottest fucking thing ever. Taking me out of my dirty thoughts she says, “Down boy, we aren’t ready to go that far, yet. I can’t wait to see where you live and all of the animals. It sounds fantastic!”

  Down, boy! Fucking down boy! Fuck that’s easier said than done. “There’s that fucking wink again, Beauty, it’ so damn sexy when you do it. My dick twitches every time.”

  “Okay, enough of the dirty talk, for now. Do you want to lay down with me, we can cuddle while we wait for the doctor?”

  Phew, now she’s trying to change the subject, which I’m fucking thankful for; I don’t know how much longer I’m going to be able to stand having this boner.

  Hell yeah, I could do with a nap, so I smile at her. I’m about to sit down, but there’s an e-reader on the bed. Stretching my hand out, I grab the e-reader. Checking out what’s on the screen. Holy fucking shit; this is what she was talking about when I walked in here? Must have been the reason for the fanning? I can’t help it; I look over at her and start chuckling.

  “What? What are you chuckling at?”

  It’s at the exact moment; my girl knows exactly what I’m chuckling about. Fuck me, she goes even redder than when I first walked in here, it’s fucking cute. She looks down at her feet like she wants the floor to open up and swallow her down. Tilting her chin, I gently lift her head up, so I can look at her. Cheeky girl moves her head up for me, but keeps those gorgeous eyes closed, “I knew there was a wicked, naughty side to you, come on, Beauty; show me those gorgeous grey eyes of yours. After all it’s just a book.” While she has her eyes closed I feel the guilt come over me for tricking her, and for letting her fall for me. Fucking hell, I know I shouldn’t be doing this, but I need her so bad. I’m not about to let her go. “That’s better. Now move over, and share the bed with me, Beauty, I could use a nap.”

  Laughing, “Really, you’re that tired? A little meeting and you’re all tuckered out? Aww. Well, come on then.” She moves over and pats the empty spot beside her.

  I put the e-reader down on the bedside table, climb onto the bed, and lay down. Asha moves in closer, cuddling into me. I hold her tighter and we both let out a sigh. It’s not long before I’m out cold.

  The sound of movement and talking wakes me up. As I open my eyes, Asha is up with the doc, he must be doing the last check-up. Sitting up, yawning, “Hey, Doc. How is everything?”

  He gives Asha a smile and then looks at me, “Everything is really good, Zeke. I’m about done here, and then you can take your girl home.”

  Fist pumping the air I say, “Fuck, yeah.”

  Laughing, Asha says, “Bit excited there, Zeke? So am I. I can’t wait to see those horses.”

  Then she winks at me. Now is not the time to get hard. Striding over to Asha, I take her in my arms. Taking her face in my hands, I kiss her hard on the lips, not as hard as I would like to. Capturing her moan, I deepen the kiss, punishment for that cheeky wink in front of the doctor. After kissing her, I lean down and whisper in her ear, “Beauty, you’re going to pay for all those winks you keep giving me, not straight away, but, you will pay, Sweetheart.” Leaving her there, stunned, I walk over to the bathroom to rinse my face, and wake up a bit. When I walk out, she’s waiting by the bed, and the doc is nowhere to be seen.

  “What’s wrong, Zeke? Are you afraid to be alone with me?”

  Laughing, “Oh no, Asha, it’s quite the opposite, actually. I can’t fucking wait to be alone with you.” This time I give her a wink, she looks shocked, “What’s wrong, Asha, cat got your tongue?”

  Snapping out of it, she giggles, “Never, Zeke. Dr. Justin said he couldn’t wait around. Something about a late patient that called just before he came into see me. He’s gone to see them. He said we are right to go. My first appointment with him is on Saturday, 9 a.m.”

  “No worries, I’ll bring you back here on Saturday.” I hold my hand out for her, “Come on, Sweetheart, I’ll take you home.”

  Chapter 21


  I watch as Zeke climbs into the driver’s side of his truck. It’s like being in a trance; my eyes are stuck on him. He starts the engine and we head off to his property. He is so excited. I love all of the different reactions I see on his face as he describes it to me. After describing his place to me, we sit in silence. It’s not an awkward silence, but I decide to ask him some more about his place, “How long is the drive, Zeke?”

  He smiles over at me, but quickly returns his eyes to the road as he says, “Well, Beauty, it’s not far, about twenty minutes. We turn right up here; then we take the third left turn, and from there we will be on my driveway.

  Pointing, he says, “Here it is. This is my driveway. The road is rough at the moment; I haven’t had a chance to fix it for a few weeks. It might get pretty bumpy now. I’ll go steady, Asha, but please tell me if it starts to make your head hurt, okay?”

  I laugh, because the way he just said that had such a double meaning and I have dirty thoughts about him popping into my head. When don’t I think dirty thoughts of him, ugh? Getting control of myself, I say, “Don’t worry about me, okay? I will let you know if my head hurts. My head feels okay, today.” I’m lying when I say this, so I turn and pretend to watch the scenery. I’m pretty sure if he saw my face he would know I was lying too. I’ve never been a good liar; it always shows on my face, always.

  “Are you sure, Asha? Justin said earlier, that he was worried about you, said he could tell you were having dizzy spells. I don’t want to leave you alone if you are, Sweetheart. If you faint or have a bad spell, you could fall. I hate thinking about that shit, Beauty. Just…please make sure you tell me okay…if you do?”

  Shit! How did the doctor know, I was being careful not to show any signs when he was doing my check-ups. Dammit. Sighing, I say, “I have been having a few dizzy spells here and there, but they aren’t too bad, I can handle them. If they get worse I will tell the doctor when we go back to his place for the c
heck-up.” Turning my body towards him, I know he can’t face me, but I talk anyway, “Look, Zeke, I really do appreciate you taking me in, but I already feel like a burden on you. I don’t want you to feel like you have to babysit me, okay? I’m not an invalid, I can do shit on my own.” I don’t know why I’m getting angry, but I am. I cross my arms and turn back to look out the window.

  Zeke puts his hand on my thigh. I look down at his hand there. Oh my God, I want to jump his bones so bad, so instead of looking at him I keep looking out at the property. Sounding disappointed, he says, “Of course you’re not, Asha. I didn’t mean anything by it. Shit, I’m no good at all this sugary stuff, Sweetheart. Whenever I try, it comes out all wrong.” Pulling his hand away, he rubs it over the top of his head, “I just…if something happens to you…I will never forgive myself. I’m sure your family would be distraught if I found them, only to give them bad news.” Returning his hand to my thigh and giving it a slow squeeze, “As for babysitting you, that’s funny shit right there, Sweetheart. There’s definitely no way my thoughts about you, and you’re fucking gorgeous body, are G rated, Beauty, no way at all.”

  I can’t help but look over at him after hearing him say that. My heart rate speeds up. I can see the heated look in Zeke’s eyes as he looks out the windshield; he’s trying hard to concentrate on driving. Poor bloke. I let out a small giggle, which has Zeke peeking over at me quickly. Feeling cheeky, I wink. It’s the effect he has on me. I can’t believe he says he’s not good with the “sugary stuff” as he puts it. He is, he just doesn’t realise it. Bloody hell, these feelings I have for him are growing by the second. I feel like I have no control over them. He raises his eyebrows in question, but I act as if it was nothing, “How long have you lived out here, Zeke? It’s beautiful.”

  Looking over at me quickly, with a big, proud smile on his face, he says, “Yeah, I love it. It is really beautiful out here, just like you, Asha.” I smile at him as he continues, “I bought this place when I was nineteen. I needed to get out of my Old Man’s place, too much testosterone. We were always butting heads, on everything. Don’t get me wrong, I love my Old Man, but; there’s only so much I could take with him on my back all the time. He owns the garage where I work, so living and working together caused a lot of shit. We were constantly down each other’s throats. The other guys, who work at that garage, were getting sick of our shit too; that’s when I decided to buy my own place. As it happened, I was only looking for a rental place. I was looking through the paper, when this place caught my eye. I couldn’t resist. The Old Man helped me out with the loan, and now that I’m out here, we get along better. I can’t wait to show you around the place, Asha, you are gonna love it out here. Seriously, you will never want to leave. I can guarantee it. How are you feeling? We don’t have far to go now, only another ten minutes, or so.”

  Holy shit, he would want me to stay here forever, if I wanted to. I’m reading too much into his feelings for me, but I can’t help it. I have to admit, secretly, I’m praying that I’m right, and he does love me. Nodding, I say, “My head is fine, I’m fine. Zeke, stop worrying, please. I promise, I will let you know as soon as it starts to trouble me, okay? I’m happy to hear that you and your dad have your problems sorted.”

  I haven’t taken my eyes off him the whole time he’s been talking. He is gorgeous, and every time he mentions his place, his eyes crinkle from his broad smile. I can tell how much he loves it out here. The drive is beautiful; we’ve passed two dams, one on my side, right near the turn off onto Zeke’s driveway, the other one is just ahead of us on Zeke’s side. Its late afternoon now, the sun is starting to set, and it looks breathtaking. I can’t wait to watch the sunset out here. Yawning, I say, “Far out, I’m so tired, maybe I should have had a nap with you earlier.”

  Zeke looks over at me with his eyebrows raised, “You didn’t sleep? What were you doing that whole time?” Smiling, “Were you watching me sleep, Beauty?”

  He starts chuckling as I sit there, staring at him with my eyes bugging out of my head, because, shit, I was totally staring at him. Only for a little while, but, oh my God, hearing him say it like that, makes me feel like a dirty creeper. I’m tempted to say nothing but I know that’s not going to happen so I squeak out, “Ummmm…I...ah, shit…I’m sorry, it was only a minute. Oh my God, how embarrassing! I feel like the biggest creeper now, Zeke.” I could die right now; I can’t believe I just admitted to watching him sleep. Why didn’t I say I was reading another book, dammit! Feeling terribly embarrassed, I cover my face, wishing I could disappear right now. I sit and wait for his reaction.

  Booming laughter comes from Zeke, which I am not expecting. Maybe, turning around and driving me back to the doc’s place, definitely not barking laughter. “That is fucking creepy, but, I’ll let it slide, just this once, Sweetheart.” Laughing harder, Zeke says, “Seriously, Sweetheart, I’m joking. I love that you were watching me, and have those feelings for me. I guess I better fess up then; I’m also a creeper. I watched you while you were unconscious, Asha. I was so fucking worried that you weren’t going to wake up. You looked so peaceful laying there, Sweetheart, my heart was hurting. Shit, there I go again with the sweet shit.” Shaking his head, he goes quiet as we come to a stop. Turning the car off, he climbs out, walks around to my side, and opens my door. Holding out his hand for me, he says, “This is my home. What do you reckon?”

  I’m speechless. There’s no way I thought Zeke’s home would look like this; a huge rectangle shaped building, the roof is flat, but curves at the edges. It’s made of corrugated iron. There are solar panels all over the roof. The house is about three foot off the ground with a wraparound veranda, all made of timber, not the store bought timber either. It looks like he’s cut it down himself and put it all together. It looks like a house you would find in the bush. The timber beams and poles are all visible. Holding onto Zeke’s hand, we climb the three steps onto the veranda. At the front of the house there are four huge pieces of glass, I’m pretty sure it’s a big sliding door. At each side of the glass there’s dark timber panelling, half a meter from the bottom, the rest is more huge glass windows and then at the top of the glass only about another half a meter there’s more corrugated iron. Zeke’s warm breath pulls me out of my stupor as he says, “Are you okay, Asha? You’re not going to pass out on me are you?”

  Shivering because his breath is warm and his voice is sending sparks all over my body as he speaks. Crap! All I want to do is beg Zeke to fuck me, right here, right now. I can feel my panties start to dampen. Right, we need to get inside. I need a cold shower, ASAP. When I finally look up at Zeke he is chuckling, so I say, “I’m glad you find me amusing. I have never seen a more beautiful house, Zeke. It’s very masculine, I love it.”

  “You haven’t seen inside yet, Sweetheart. Come on, I’ll show you.”

  Unlocking the door, Zeke walks us inside. I was right; the huge pieces of glass are one big sliding door. He walks in front of me, gently pulling me behind him. I look around the house, in admiration, because it is absolutely amazing, I have no words. The inside is all open; you can see all of the dark wooden beams along the roof and tops of the walls. As I look ahead of me there is the lounge room with a dark stone fireplace, all of his furniture is masculine; dark leather and timber. As we walk past the lounge room, the kitchen is next and it’s bloody awesome. I can’t wait to have some fun in here. It all dark timber, with a floating bench in the middle. There are big, round, tall logs that have been made into bar stools, they look so cool. The oven and sink are modern but still match in with the old bush house. As we walk past the kitchen Zeke says, “I can’t wait to cook for you, Beauty, it’s one of my specialties.”

  “Oh my God, you cook too, seriously? Is there anything about you that isn’t perfect?”

  Stopping dead in his tracks, Zeke tenses up and looks away from me. There’s sadness and worry on his face, I don’t know what’s up with him. I try to lighten the mood by tickling his ribs. I can see it worki
ng; a slow spreading smile is already working itself onto his face. Smiling, I continue to tickle him. Laughing, “Come on, I’m only playing around. I’m sure you had to come home today and clean up before you picked me up, right? I bet your bachelor pad was a filthy, disgusting mess earlier today?”

  Shocking the hell out of me, Zeke has me up against the wall in an instant. He wasn’t rough, but he was quick. Holding both of my hands above my head, he slowly traces a finger from his other hand over my nose. Slowly dragging his finger down over my lips and down my throat. Swallowing loudly, I feel my pulse quicken, and hear my breath coming out heavier. He continues exploring down my throat, stopping where my cleavage begins. His breathing is slightly ragged as he breathes out, “Fuck, Beauty, I want you so bad right now, it’s taking all of my restraint to keep my hands from exploring you further.” His finger moves so slowly over my breast, circling around slowly, getting closer to my hardening nipple. Once there, he traces soft circles around it. The motion is driving me crazy. I want more; I want him to continue with his mouth. I want him to use his teeth, to bite softly on my nipple. I want to feel his hands lower. Lifting my head to look up at him, I find him smirking. He knows exactly how much his touch is affecting me. I close my eyes, as the throbbing sensation between my legs grows stronger. I start to squeeze my thighs together, trying to gain some relief. As he circles faster, my moans grow louder. Zeke leans into my neck, biting my earlobe. Damn it feels so fucking good! As he lets go, breathing heavy, he says, “Mmmm, you taste so fucking good, Beauty.”

  “Oh God, Zeke, don’t stop, please don’t stop.” As if someone has just slapped him in the face, he freezes against me. “Zeke? Are you okay? What’s going on?”

  He stays frozen in place for a couple of minutes, both of us catching our breaths. Eventually blowing out a frustrated sigh, he says, “I can’t do this with you, Asha. I’m sorry, Sweetheart. It feels like I’m moving you too fast. I’ll try to control myself better around you. It’s fucking hard, but I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. The last thing I want is for you to feel pressured.” Leaning down so we are eye to eye, he holds my face in his hands as he says, “When we do this, Asha, I don’t want you to have any regrets, okay?”