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Break Down Page 7

  Letting out an exasperated sigh, I say, “So that’s what this whole thing is fucking about? Seriously, Pops? You’re gonna bring back shit from fucking thirty years ago?” Throwing my hands in the air, I shake my head again and say, “Fucking hell, Pops, all of this shit was over a stupid vendetta between you and Hunter fucking Rowe? It was one fucking pussy, Pops. One fucking pussy, and she didn’t even stick around. She didn’t stick around for you or for him; that should tell you everything you need to know about the stupid bitch. You need to let it the fuck go, Old Man.”

  With a sharp nod of his head, he turns away from me, saying, “I know, Son, you’re right. We were young, dumb and full of cum, too fucking young to ever be in love, but trust me, Son. What the both of us felt, back then, felt very fucking real. Those feelings are hard to… what did you say, let go? Well, I’ve tried. Just look at the shit storm I’ve created; I will try a hell of a lot harder to let go before I destroy this club. Listen, Zeke, I’ve never met his son. You’re the only one who’s dealt with him, but how do I know that little fucker isn’t going to renege on his dad’s rules, huh?”

  Putting my hand on his shoulder I say, “Listen, Pops, Vince is a good guy. He’s done a fucking great job with his old man’s club. I’d be fucking proud as punch if I can do half as good a job for you one day, Pops. He’s never strayed from the rules his old man put in place; the club is still all legit. The only reason he’s opened more strip joints is to look after his sister. Fucking hell, the same sister we now have. Don’t forget the club and Asha are Vince’s only family. After the fire took their parents, it’s been tough on them. The last thing he wants is to put that in jeopardy. The few times I’ve spoken with him on the phone he’s been interested in getting our clubs together, Pops. I have agreed with him, it would be a great idea. But then, I have had to turn him down because I know what happened between you and his old man was never sorted out. It’s time to make amends, Pops, but first we need to cover up this blunder. I’ve got a plan and you need to hear it.

  After running him through the new plan, he agrees it’s the best way. As I head out the door I let him know that I’ll be staying at Doc’s place until Asha can be moved out to mine. Walking down the hallway, I pull out my phone and send a text message to all the brothers –

  Z – Church, tomorrow morning, 9 a.m. Urgent club business!

  After sending the messages, I head straight to the bar for a drink or two. My head is fucking pounding; hopefully a drink will wake me up enough to pack some shit and head over to the Doc’s place. Walking straight behind the bar, I grab the bottle of rum and a shot glass. I pour out a shot, throwing it back quickly, and pouring another one. Once I finish the last shot I put the bottle of rum back on the shelf.

  I’m so God damned tired that I don’t hear Nikita come in, she’s closed and locked the door behind her. Usually, I’d have her bent over the bar stool, screwing her brains out. But, looking at her now with her too skinny body, bleach blonde hair, light green eyes, and fake tits; she does nothing for me. All I can think of is getting back to Asha. Taking me out of my thoughts, Nikita is now standing in front of me topless. She flings her top at me, so that I can have a good look at her double D’s. Speaking in a low husky voice, growing more ear splitting by the second she says, “Hey, Lover, I’ve been waiting for you to get back, I’ve missed you.”

  Looking over at her, I throw the top back at her and continue walking to the door, saying, “Nikita, you and your pussy have only ever been a place for me to get my dick wet. Now, fuck off and go find one of the other brothers to screw you. I’m not interested.”

  Squinting her eyes, and pursing hers lips, she grabs my elbow, digging her nails in and screeches, “What the fuck, Zee? We’ve always had so much fun together and the other night, well I thought you were gonna ask me to be your old lady. Now you don’t want to touch me? Well, fuck you, arsehole!” Pushing my elbow away and shoving past me she unlocks the door and storms out.

  Laughing, I head out of the clubhouse and jog to my room. I unlock my door, walk over to my drawers, grab some clothes, and chuck them into my bag, zipping it up. I head back out the door to my truck. Starting the truck up, I plug my mp3 player in and turn the stereo up. I need some heavy metal to keep me awake. I throw on some Metallica, even though I don’t have far to drive. I’m halfway to the doctor’s house when my phone rings, so I hit the answer button on the steering wheel and say, “Doc, what’s up? How is…” I don’t even finish my question. All I can hear in the background of our phone call is blood curdling screams. Freezing up, I start to panic because there’s nothing else but screaming. “DOC? Talk to me, what the fuck is going on?”

  “Yeah, Zeke, it’s me. As you can hear, the girl is awake and panicked. I want to give her a sedative to calm her down, but I can’t get close enough, so I need you to get here, now.”

  “I’m already on my way, Doc, I’ll be there in five minutes.” Hanging up the phone I put my foot down. Pulling into the doc’s driveway, I drive straight around the back of the house. Turning my truck off, I get out and race inside.

  All I can hear is Asha screaming, “Get the hell away from me! I don’t know you. Stay the hell away from me you creep.” I’m almost at her room when I hear her say something that makes me stop dead in my tracks. Asha yells out, “Please, I don’t know what’s happened. Can you tell me? Where is my boyfriend? He should be here. Can you get him please? His name is Zeke. Please I don’t know you. Fucking hell, I wish I knew what the hell was going on. I don’t remember anything except being at the pub with my boyfriend. Everything else is blank. There’s nothing else, no memories, nothing. It’s all gone.”

  The doctor is trying to calm her down and I hear him say, “It’s going to be okay, Asha, I’m the doctor. You are safe. You were in an accident, but you are okay. You were brought here straight away because you hit your head on the window. I’m not sure yet, but it may be what’s causing the memory loss. We will be able to sort it out though. You just need to calm down for me. Zeke is on his way, please calm down.”

  Holy shit, I don’t understand. She thinks I’m her boyfriend. She remembers the pub but nothing else. Shit just got even more complicated! I open the door to Asha’s room. She is standing in the corner of the room, holding a pen as a weapon towards the doc. He’s standing near the bed with his arms out in front of him like he comes in peace, telling her, “It’s going to be okay. Zeke will be here soon.”

  Asha must hear the door because she looks straight over at me. Her face is black and blue where she hit her head. There’s a bandage over the long cut that has fifteen stitches in it. I never even noticed it was a deep cut; I’m such a fucking idiot. I am starting to regret taking her from that car. Her face is all red, puffy, and tear-stained; she looks so sad and scared. I’m watching her, staring into those beautiful eyes. It’s at that moment, she drops the pen and comes bolting into my arms. Knocking us both against the door, she wraps her arms around me and snuggles her head into my chest. It’s like she’s trying to escape into my body. I don’t hesitate to wrap my arms around her. I rub my hands up and down her back soothing her as I whisper to her, “Asha, Sweetheart, it’s going to be okay, I’m here with you now. There was an accident, but you are okay. You need to rest. Your body needs to recover, it’s been through hell. The doctor is amazing, Sweetheart, he has helped you so much. Please don’t be scared of him, please, for me?”

  Looking up into my eyes with her puffy, but still gorgeous eyes, she nods and so quietly says, “Okay, Zeke.”

  “Good girl. The doctor is going to give you something to help with the pain. It will also help you to sleep.”

  Instantly she looks up at me in a panic. The tears that had just stopped, moments ago, are back and streaming down her beautiful face. With a raspy voice from crying so much she says, “No, Zeke. Please… please don’t leave me… again. I’m so scared and I don’t…I mean… I can’t...I...I don’t remember anything. I’m petrified I’m never going to remember

  I know she can’t remember anything because she thinks I’m her boyfriend. She really thinks I’m going to leave her. Even if she could remember who I am; I wouldn’t leave her like this. I’m confused because I think I’m falling in lov…Wait, no that can’t be right. I hardly know this girl, but the pull I feel to her is so strong. I never want to let her go. Pulling her further into my chest, I lean down and whisper in her ear, “Never, Baby. It’s alright, I’m not going anywhere. I promise you that, from now on I’ll be by your side. C’mon, Sweetheart, we need to get you up into bed, you need rest. I’ll lay up there with you, okay?”

  Smiling, Asha stands on wobbly legs, but the doc is helping her up as well. I stand up and lift her into my arms; she wraps her arms around my neck. I carry her the short distance back to bed. I place her on the bed, walk around to the other side, taking off my shoes and socks, I stand back up. When I do, Asha is looking at me shyly, then down at her hands. Ha-ha she was checking me out, as tired and hurt as she is, the naughty girl is still there. I wonder what’s going through her mind right now. She must be so confused; I am too. I would ask but I’m wrecked. Asha has gotten into a comfy position and is barely able to keep her eyes open; we both need a good night’s rest. The doc walks over and hands Asha two pills and a glass of water, which she takes. Smiling at the doc, she hands him back the glass and says, “Thank you, I’m really sorry about before.”

  Doc nods, smiles back, and says, “Never mind, get some rest, I’ll be down the hall if you need anything, goodnight.” Closing the door behind him as he walks out.

  Climbing onto the bed, I make myself comfortable by putting my arm behind Asha. She turns to face me, looking up into my eyes and says, “Night, Zeke.”

  Leaning over her, I press the button on the remote, to turn the light off and then lay back down. I whisper back, “Night, Sweetheart.” Snuggling in more, she lightly kisses my chest through my shirt. I know she can’t see me smiling. I’m confused as hell, as to how half a night in a pub can lead her to believe I’m her boyfriend. Tomorrow the doc can enlighten me. Clearing my head I let myself relax and listen to Asha’s breathing, which has evened out. I’m pretty sure she’s asleep, so I close my eyes, fall asleep, and dream of keeping a girl I have no right trying to keep. I’m going to fight like hell to keep this girl.

  Chapter 13


  *Traitor – Zeke has the girl. I don’t know where, but he has her.

  *Dexter – Fuck. It all went to shit. I only managed to kill one of those bitches! Cheers for the heads up. Keep your head down. I’ll be in touch.

  Chapter 14


  Holy Hell! I wake up sweating and shaking. I can’t quite get a grasp of what I was dreaming about, but I know it was disturbing as hell and has my heart racing. I feel ill. I can’t even really call it a dream; it was more of a fucking nightmare, it scared the shit out of me. The part that I can remember about it; are the screams, oh my God, they were so loud and bloodcurdling that my skin is still crawling. Thinking about it now has me furiously scratching at my arms and legs. There was so much glass flying around my body and face that I can still feel the stinging sensation it made on my body and the tearing it’s done to my skin. The last and most terrifying piece of the dream that has me curling into myself, is the all-consuming blackness that was swirling all around me, I don’t know what it was, but it feels like it is still clouding my brain. Breaking my train of thought is a pair of strong, toned, delicious arms wrapping around my body. I don’t jump because as foggy as the memories are, I can still remember last night.

  When I first woke up last night and looked around the room, it was so bright it hurt. I had to squint one eye, and close the other, just to adjust my eyes. The walls around me were stark white, and the smell of disinfectant was so over powering that I wanted to puke. There were bits of medical equipment surrounding me. I couldn’t think straight. I felt so disorientated. I didn’t have a clue where I was or what had happened. All of a sudden, an older man, probably in his late fifties, or, early sixties walked into the room; I panicked. Scrambling out of bed, I almost tripped up on the wires and tubes attached to my hand and body, but steadied myself. Looking down at my hand, I pulled out the needle; it wouldn’t be any good to escape with the drip still attached. I saw a pen on the table next to the bed so I grabbed it, making my getaway into the corner of the room. Clearly not thinking straight, now I had nowhere to go. I realise now that it was pretty stupid of me not to just sit calmly and let the doctor speak, but waking up like that scared the fuck out of me. I started screaming obscenities at the doctor and threatening him with the pen, good lot of damage it would have done. The doctor is over six-foot and looks pretty fit for an old guy. You can still see his muscles outlined in his jacket. While I was in that state all I could think about was why no one was there with me. Why my boyfriend, who I remember being out with, wasn’t by my side when I woke up, or where my family was. That was when the panic really started to set in. When I thought about my family, it was blank. I couldn’t remember if I even had any family. If I did, surely they would have been the first people here, you would think. I was screaming uncontrollably after that. I remember yelling at the doctor, asking him where my boyfriend Zeke was, that I wanted him here with me now. The doctor had his hands out in front of him, trying to calm down. He was telling me that Zeke was on his way, that he wasn’t far away, and that I was okay. I wanted to believe him, but I had wound myself up too much; it became hard to calm myself down. It must have been only a few minutes after the doctor had told me he was on his way that Zeke walked through the door. I ran straight into his arms, knocking us both to the floor. I felt safe in his arms. As soon as he started rubbing my back and whispering that everything was going to be okay, I calmed down. I knew with him here, I would be safe.

  He told me I’d been in an accident and hit my head. He said I was all right, that I didn’t have any serious injuries, apart from a deep cut on my head that had needed stitches. He told me the doctor was a great help and that I shouldn’t be afraid of him. Now that I was calm, I agreed. Zeke continued to rub his hand up and down my back and tell me that I needed rest. He told me that the doctor needed to give me some more painkillers; that they would help me sleep. That’s when I started to panic again. I couldn’t be alone again; I didn’t want him to leave me here alone. I was so scared, and to make matters worse, I couldn’t remember a damn thing. During the accident when I hit my head, it must have caused some sort of brain injury, or the accident was too horrific and my subconscious won’t let me remember, just yet. The only memories I have are of Zeke and I at the pub with our friends, BUT our friends are faceless. There’s nothing there; no faces, no voices, nothing that could help me recognise them at all. It’s a sickening thought when you realise that you only remember one person out of your whole life. I know my first name, my age, my birthday but nothing else. Zeke soothed me more, telling me that he’d never leave my side again. He called me Sweetheart and Baby. It melted my heart, it sounded so sexy and caring coming from his lips. After our moment on the floor, we both stood and Zeke lifted me into his arms. It felt so good. I felt so safe and loved in his arms. I knew in that moment that this is where I wanted to stay for the rest of my life.

  Zeke carried me over to the bed and placed me there so gently, it was like he was scared I would break. Zeke took his boots off, while the doctor gave me the medication. I apologised for my behaviour. I have to admit I think I did overreact a little. Once the doctor left the room, Zeke climbed into the bed. After moving me closer into his arms we both said goodnight and fell asleep.

  “Good morning, Sweetheart, how are you feeling this morning? You had a rough day and night, I was so worried about you,” Zeke whispers into my hair because he’s wrapped me tight into his chest.

  Yawning, I say, “Good morning, Hot Stuff.” I feel Zeke flinch a little when I call him that, so I say, “Are you okay?”

  He lets go of me a little,
nods, and says, “Yeah, I’m good, I just didn’t think you would have remembered that part, but I’m glad you do.” I pull back to look up at him, and he’s grinning.

  So with a wink, I say, “I didn’t forget our dance, it was…hmmmmm how do I say it…HOT!” I’m blushing now from the way his brown eyes are looking intensely into my own eyes.

  I look away from him, but he puts his finger on my cheek, bringing my face back to his, so that I’m looking at him when he says, “Don’t be shy, Sweetheart, your face turns a beautiful shade of red when you blush, but I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable around me. Now enough about the dance because it’s making me hard. The last thing I want is to scare you away. So tell me; how’s your head feeling and your body? How sore are you?”

  Still blushing, but not quite so much anymore because I’m not scared of Zeke. Far from it, I feel safe and happy, so I say truthfully, “I know my name is Asha, but I don’t know my last name. I know I was born on the twenty first of October 1992. I remember you and I dirty dancing, laughing, and having fun together, but that’s it. Everything else is blurry, like it’s there, but it’s out of reach. I try to grab at the memories but they drift further and further away, the closer I get. I know we were there with our friends, but when I think of them, they turn into faceless, voiceless people walking around. It’s so surreal that just yesterday I knew who I was and today, well, I could be anybody. Apart from the whole memory loss thing, I’m actually feeling a whole lot better. My head is still sore and throbbing, but I’m sure with a few more pain killers, I’ll be alright.”

  Letting out a sigh, I move to get off the bed, when Zeke says, “No, Asha wait, Sweetheart I’ll help you.” He quickly climbs off the bed and rushes around to my side of the bed. He stands in front of me, my legs between his. When I put my hands on his shoulders and he grabs ahold of my waist. He helps me move forward to slide off the bed, looking down at me he says, “Are you alright?”