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Break Down Page 2

  We all know that Vince has never strayed from his old man’s “keep it clean” club. All of their businesses are clean, nothing illegal. Hunter Rowe was a great man and a great president. He and my dad used to be mates back in high school; but they let the high school beauty queen get between them and never spoke again. Both of the old buggers were bloody stubborn; and even though the skank never stuck around, they still never spoke again. Fucking idiots.

  Anything to do with club business or problems involving both clubs is handled through Vince and me; after Hunter Rowe was killed in a house fire with his old lady. The club’s vice president, Aim, took over until Hunter’s son, Vince, was old enough to take over for his old man. None of the Scoundrels want a war. This fucking plan is going to bring one right to our doorstep.

  “Zeke, ZEKE! Are you fucking listening to Maps, or fucking not? We need to be fucking precise with this plan, Son, no fuckups!” I look up and see I’ve been in my own little fucking world thinking, not hearing a fucking word the old man or Maps has said.

  “Shit! Pops this plan is fucking nuts, there’s still fucking 100km between our territories and that’s a fucking lot.” Pointing at my pops, then down at the table I say, “You. Know. This. Plan… bringing Asha fucking Rowe here… IS going to bring war down on us.” I look up at the old man. I swear there’s fucking steam coming out of his ears, his face is puffed up and bright red. I know I’ve really pissed him off now. He just stares at me, getting angrier by the second, I know he’s about to lose it.

  I hear Maps clear his throat, bringing us out of our staring match. Once we both quit staring at each other Maps and the other brothers say, “What the fuck Cross?”

  Looking around the table at each of the brothers, I ask, “What the fuck? Why does this NEED to happen? The fucking strip joint is not even close to the fucking border or OVER THE FUCKING BORDER! Yeah. Sure, when and if, they come that close, then yeah, sure go for it. Brothers, then, it’s a war they are inviting. Whatever happened to a fucking phone call asking what the fuck the deal is? I’ll call Vince right now and ask him straight out if his plans are to move in on us; none of this pussy footing around, Brothers. I’m fucking telling you now, Pops, you’ll have an answer. Don’t go behind his back about this, Pops, it’s fucking wrong and you know it.” Looking around the table at the brothers, I know I’ve just pissed them all off, but fuck them.

  “Right, since Zeke has kicked up such a big stink over this, I’m putting the decision to a vote.” Pointing at me, Pops says, “Starting with you, Son, what’s it going to be?”

  With my head in my hands I shake my head. I know which way this vote is going to go. “Fucking hell.” I stretch my arm out and give a thumbs down.

  “Right, Bullet what say you?” Bullet puts his arm out and gives a thumbs up. “Cash, your vote.” Another fucking thumbs up, damn loyal but dumb motherfuckers. “Maps, you?” Another thumbs up. “Charge, yours?” Another thumbs up. “Zoom, you?” Another thumbs up. “Lastly you, Scout, what’s your vote?” Fuck another thumbs up, looks like this crazy plan is really fucking happening. Pops slams down the gavel and growls out, “Right, voting’s done. Maps, give us the details now.”

  Chapter 3


  Six hours into our road trip, there’s been: a lot of singing, sightseeing, tree watching, people watching, car watching, naps with snoring, lots of laughter, and more singing. Finally we arrive at our first budget motel. We are only staying here for the night, to catch up on sleep before moving on tomorrow. None of the girls want to stop and rest on the side of the road.

  “Okay, girlfriends, who’s in charge of the cash again?” Tilly asks as she pulls the car into the motel’s customer parking.

  “That would be me, Babe,” I say happily. I jump out of the car and walk towards the reception office. As I walk into the office, the bell on the door chimes loudly, letting the receptionist know that I’m here. I don’t wait long though, an older woman comes out with a sweet smile on her face. “Hi there, darling, what can I do for you today?”

  The little bluebird name badge she wears says Jane, so I smile at her and say, “Hi, Jane, my friends and I have a reservation for tonight, the name I’ve booked it under is Asha Rowe.”

  Jane nods and scrolls down her computer screen until she comes to our booking. “Yes, here it is, darling. You girls are in room twenty-two. It’s down at the end of the building and straight up the stairs. Your parking is in front of room eleven, where there’s two car parks.”

  Smiling, I grab the keys off her and say, “Awesome, thanks, Jane.” Turning and walking out of the office, I jump back into the car and let Tilly know where to park. Tilly drives down to the end and parks in one of the empty spaces. Jumping out of the car last, I hear the girls groaning and complaining.

  Mel turns to me and says, “Ash, seriously, girlfriend. Why couldn’t you have booked the ground floor? Lugging our crap upstairs isn’t fun, chick.”

  “Shit, I didn’t even think about it, sorry girls. I promise our next stops are all on the ground floor.”

  Together Gwen and Mel laugh and say, “No worries, Babe, we still love ya.”

  “So ladies, do we want to go out and have lunch then come back and go for a swim?”

  Squealing Cassie, Mel and Tilly answer, “Hell freaking yeah!” We all FINALLY lug our heavy ass bags up the stairs and into the room, which I have to say is really nice for being so cheap. It’s painted a nice navy blue; all the bedding and curtains are a coral colour. There’s a single bed against the wall to the left, as you walk in, a double bed next to the single bed. The motel room is self-contained with the fridge, desk, and little kitchenette along the front wall, on the right hand side. Then, as you walk through the doorway at the back of the room, there’s a set of bunk beds and the bathroom on your left. Gwen and I are taking the bunk beds, while Mel and Tilly are taking the double bed. Cassie has chucked her bag on the single bed near the front door, so I guess that’s where she’s sleeping. Lucky biatch too, because she has the least amount to walk to her bed tonight when we come home drunk.

  After spending the first half of the afternoon having lunch and swimming, we all came back to the room refreshed, but tired. We all decided to crash for a couple of hours nap.

  Now we’re all up, having showers and getting dressed, we’re ready to head out for dinner and drinks. I was the first one ready. I’ve never been one to spend hours in front of the mirror, so with me, what you see is what you get. I’m not saying I don’t clean up nice, I do. It just doesn’t take me as long as my girls in there. I decide on a knee length, free flowing, cobalt blue dress; leaving my hair out in all of its wild and messy glory. I’ve put on my gold Spartan sandals and a pair of gold hoop earrings.

  Since I’m ready, I decide it’s a good idea to ring Vince before we go out. I’ll forget after a few drinks, the last thing I want is him worrying about us. Leaving the girls to finish getting ready, I walk outside onto the landing in front of the door. I swipe the lock on my screen, scrolling through my contacts until I find Vince’s number, and press the call button. Vince answers on the first ring, “Hey, Lil Sis, how was the drive?” Smiling, I let him know where we are, how long the drive was, and what we’ve done so far. Just as I’m about to say goodbye he says, “So… what have you girls got planned for tonight?”

  Rolling my eyes, I say, “Dinner and drinks at the local pub, then back home to the motel. We want to get back on the road early, so it won’t be a big night. Tomorrow’s drive is going to be a lot longer than today’s was. I think it’s about eight hours, we have planned a lunch stop in the little town that’s halfway.”

  I can hear Vince letting out a sigh when he says, “Okay be careful, then. Its school holidays down that way, so there’s a lot more traffic travelling on those roads. Now since I’m not there to watch your back tonight, you need to be on the lookout for any scumbags that’ll be around.”

  Before I can get out my smart arse remark, I hear a female voice callin
g out, “Vinnie, baby, hurry back to bed with that big gorgeous cock of yours. My pussy’s getting hungry.”

  Making a retching noise, I say, “Ewwwwwwww, Vince, seriously her pussy is hungry? Charming girl you have there. Ughh, soooo gross, Big Brother. I think I need a bucket to vomit in and a chainsaw to hack off my ears now. A big thanks for that.” I’m laughing now and he is clearing his throat. He quickly tells me to give him a call tomorrow, when we arrive in the next town, and that he loves me. “Love you back, Big Brother, I’ll call you tomorrow,” I say, as we both hang up.

  Sighing, I lean my head back against the motel wall. Sometimes I wish this wasn’t our life. I miss my mum and dad so much. Vince is a bloody amazing big brother. He does so much for me; he always has. There’s so much involved in being the president of a motorcycle club and owner of a huge chain of strip clubs, but those things are what pays to keep the MC and us alive. The biggest issue for Vince, at the moment, are the drugs being brought into the strip clubs by the new girls and their pimps; they think they are too smart for us. They think they won’t get caught. They are just plain stupid because Vince doesn’t miss a thing. He has security everywhere. He also has great, loyal girls that do the right thing by Vince and the club, by letting them know what the new girls are up to. Of course, most of the girls and brothers smoke weed but that’s as heavy as my dad would ever allow in the clubhouse. His motto was “smoke clean, smoke green.” He would say he’d seen too many of his mates poison themselves.

  I’m brought back to the here and now by Cassie calling my name, “Asha, hey chick, you alright? You missing that sexy big brother of yours?”

  “Oh my god, Cassie, seriously ewwww. He’s my brother and anything you two are doing with each other, I DO NOT need to know about it,” I say, laughing. Shit, this is awkward. I didn’t know Cassie had the hots for my brother. I’m keeping my mouth closed about what I heard over the phone, when I was talking to Vince, so I give Cassie a big smile.

  She gives me a big smile back, putting both of her hands up and says, “Okay, okay enough about Vince, are you ready to get our drink on?”

  Snorting, I say, “Bitch, please. When have you ever known me to turn down a drinking session with my girls?”

  Letting out a massive belly laugh, Cassie says, “Yeah, stupid question, huh!”

  Twenty minutes later, the girls and I are at the local pub. Looking around, it’s an amazing little place: maroon carpeted floors, wooden panelling on the walls, and a massive collection of pictures. They show the stages of the little town and pub being built; more recent pictures of buildings show them being upgraded. The décor has lots of old stickers, drink coasters, new and old posters of drinks, cars, motorcycles, and old knick knacks from the 50’s all the way up to the 80’s. There’s two wooden bars, one running the whole length of the back wall, and then there’s the smaller bar by the dance floor, both with hand crafted wooden barstools. The wooden tables and chairs are all hand crafted, as well. It’s all amazing: homey, country, classy, and well looked after. Out back is an outdoor area with a children’s playground. The gardens are well kept, too. Taking it all in, you can tell the owners are proud of their pub.

  The girls and I are hungry so we decide to order our food first. We all look over the menus, even though we already know what we want. Cassie, Mel and I order the crumbed steak. Tilly and Gwen order the chicken Kiev. Everyone chooses the chips and salad, no dieting here. The waitress hands us a blue buzzer and tells us it will light up and make noise when our meals are finished. We walk over to a table, not far from the kitchen, and sit down. Gwen asks everyone what they want to drink, we all agree on two jugs of Illusions. The motel is only a five minute walk from the here.

  While Gwen is waiting at the bar for the waitress to make the jug of Illusions; a nice looking guy walks up beside her. He stands about six foot tall. He’s leaner on the bottom with broader shoulders. He has a manly face with boyish features; sandy blonde hair, that’s long and comes to his shoulders. He starts chatting away to her. Gwen is smiling and laughing, so we all assume he can’t be too bad. Paying for the jugs, she nods her head at the guy and walks back to us.

  “Shit, Gwen he was bloody hot!” Mel says.

  “Yeah, he was and he had the most gorgeous green eyes. He asked if I wanted to play a game of pool. I told him I was here with my girls, and that we are about to have dinner. He said he and his mates don’t mind waiting until after we have our dinner, and that we should head on over to the pool tables and play a few games of pool after we’re done.”

  The buzzer takes off across the table, scaring the shit out of all of us because we are all chatting away. “Fuck yeah, I’m starved,” Tilly says.

  “Up we go, ladies, dinner is served,” I say as I stand up with the girls to grab our meals.

  “Oh yeah, this steak is amazing,” Cassie moans as she takes another mouthful. I have to agree because my meal is bloody fantastic. My steak is tender and juicy, the chips are crunchy and the salad is nice and fresh. After finishing our food, we all stand up and take our plates back up to the counter; letting the waitress know to give the chef our 5 stars because his food was to die for.

  Still standing at the counter Gwen says, “So ladies, what’ll it be, a few games of pool with the hot guy from the bar and his mates or back to the motel for an early night?” The other girls and I burst out laughing. “Yeah, I thought so, let’s go.”

  Walking over to the bar, we buy another two jugs of Illusions. Then, we head over to meet the guys for a game of pool.

  Chapter 4


  Well. Well. Well. It seems Asha Rowe, The Chaos Princess, doesn’t recognise us. If she did, there’s no way that she would be walking that sweet little arse towards the brothers and I, right now. Not that I was worried about her recognising any of us because I’ve only spoken to Vince over the phone and run into him at a few of the bike shows.

  We rocked up at the motel, earlier this afternoon, since we need to shadow the girls until we get to The Emerald Pussy. We drove Cash’s decked out van because it’s got a bed in the back on one side and seats on the other. I knew we needed enough room for the girl so we left my truck behind. The bikes would have been too obvious anyway, especially to The Chaos Princess. If we are really going to pull this off, we need to do it by the book. Book? I don’t really think there’s a fucking handbook for kidnapping, but it sounded good when I said it.

  The boys were fucking starving, so I agreed we could go to the local pub for dinner and a few games of pool. It would be good to kick back and chill for a few hours. It’s a nice little place they got here. Once we finished our dinner, the boys and I headed over to the pool tables with our beers. To my fucking surprise, the girls had the same idea for dinner. Thinking I could get a closer look at the target, I decided to make Bonkers go up and hit on one of Asha’s friends that had gone up to the bar for drinks. I told him to ask them over for a few games of pool. Taking me by surprise, the chick agreed to ask her friends. As we waited to see if they were coming over, I let the brothers know that no matter what, nothing was to slip out of their mouths about the MC. Anyone who slipped up was going to get their fucking nuts cut off with an old blunt, rusty blade.

  The tall blonde from the bar is Gwen, the other chicks are all medium height. Mel, I think her name is, has black hair. Cassie is another brunette. Tilly, she’s a ranga, by that I mean redhead, she’s probably feisty as fuck, too. Last, but definitely not least, is Asha; the girl of the hour. Fuck me, she’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen – long, dark, wavy, brown hair and grey/blue eyes. She has the sweetest little mouth, with fucking perfect kissable lips. She’s short and curvy, and fuck, she has a massive fucking pair of tits. I don’t mind though, they are one of my favourite parts. I’m pretty sure those babies are real.

  After all of the introductions have been made, Asha is the first to speak, “So guys, who’s up first? Is it going to be boys versus girls or a mixed team game?”

kers pipes up and says, “How about we do the girls versus boys thing first?”

  Laughing their arses off, the girls all give each other the nod. Tilly puts both hands on the edge of the pool table. As she leans down, her fucking tits are almost popping out of her top as she says in a husky voice, “Righto, boys, game on!”

  Tilly has just finished racking the balls up with the triangle. As I look around at all of my brothers, their mouths are fucking hanging open, almost drooling at the sight of those tits. I’m pretty sure Bonkers has got some actual drool running down his chin. Turning to Maps, she grins and says, “Well, boys, who’s going to break first?”

  Smirking, Maps does a fucking, stupid, bloody bow and wave of his hand while he says, “Ladies first.” Bloody dickhead. The girls are all shaking their heads and looking around at each other whispering and giggling. With good old AC/DC playing in the background, I can just make out Asha and Gwen’s conversation about watching out for us. Fuck, that’s laughable, if only she knew who we were and what was coming. Enough with the fucking downer shit. We’ve got a game to win.

  While I was off in my own little fucking world, Tilly did the break and seems bloody chuffed with herself. “Shit, yeah.” Clapping her hands and then standing back with them on her hips she says, “Well, boys, looks like you’ve all got small balls!” Everyone at the table cracks up laughing. Tilly winks over at Maps, trying to contain her laughter and says, “Oops, sorry my mistake, I meant you’re on the small balls, my bad!” Bloody smart mouth she’s got!

  “You sure about that, Sweet Cheeks? Come with me out back and I can give you a personal show. You can get a closer look at just how small my balls are!”