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Break Down Page 12

  I don’t trust myself to talk, so I stay quiet. I feel like I could just throw caution to the wind right now, asking Zeke to throw me down right here, and fuck me until I’m screaming his name. I don’t know what he’s on about; I have no regrets, and he’s certainly not pressuring me into anything. I know it should feel like he’s moving too fast, but my body and brain are telling me to go for it. Instead of voicing this to him, I keep my thoughts to myself, staying quiet. I give him a small nod. He grabs ahold of my hand, turning it over; bringing my palm up to his lips, placing the softest kisses there. Bringing my hand back down; he takes a firm hold of it sighs and says, “Alright, come on, Beauty, enough distractions…for now, anyway.” Laughing he says, “Let’s get back to the tour.”

  Chapter 22


  FUCK! FUCK! IDIOT! FUCKING IDIOT! I can’t believe I just put Asha up against the wall. I don’t know what come over me…Who am I fucking kidding? Of course, I do. I want to fuck the hell out of her; she looks so fucking good. I just want to put my hands all over her body, ALL THE FUCKING TIME. I could see by the look in her eyes that she wouldn’t have stopped me. But, I didn’t want the first time I fucked her to be up against the wall; while she’s still injured. My cock is rock hard; it’s begging for me to take her pussy. Fuck! It’s going to be a long night.

  Getting out of the kitchen in a hurry, I take Asha to the end of the hallway where there are three more bedrooms. Opening the door to each of them, I say, “All of these rooms are spare rooms. Every weekend the garage is closed, so we don’t have to work, unless it’s a call out. I have a few mates come over; we go motorbike riding, horseback riding, or go fishing in one of the dams. After being out for the day, we all come back here, cook up a barbeque, and kick back with a few beers. I don’t like drunk drivers so I make sure they can crash here, in the spare rooms.” I close the last bedroom door and point, “Now, out here we have the shower and bath, it’s my favourite room in, or well, out of the house. The neighbours are miles away, so you don’t have to worry about anyone perving on you; maybe just one, me.” Chuckling, “Once you have a bath out here, all of your worries will be gone. It’ll be the best fucking bath you’ll ever have.” Wiggling my eyebrows, I say, “Unless, I’m in there with you then it’ll be the second best.”

  Grumbling under her breath, she quietly says, “Yeah, sure, if you don’t leave me hanging, again.”

  I choose to pretend I didn’t hear her, it was for the best that I stopped, she’ll see. We both stand there silently until Asha speaks up and says, “Zeke, it’s amazing. I love how everything is designed, it’s just so you. Was the building here when you bought the property?”

  Grabbing hold of Asha’s hand, I pull her into me, and cuddle her into the front of my body. We are standing on the back veranda, just outside the bathroom. I have positioned us so that we are looking out into the bush, so we can watch the last of the sun go down. As we watch it, I hear Asha take in a deep breath. “Beautiful, isn’t it?” Without saying anything, she just nods her head. We continue to stand together watching the sunset. As Asha leans further into me, I rest my chin on top of her head, answering her question, “I designed the house, but hired builders to put it together. I paid extra to the contractors; they had the place up in no time. I borrowed a caravan off a mate, and stayed in it until I was able to move into the house.”

  “Zeke, this is…I really have no words because it’s amazing out here. I love it and those colours are magnificent, tonight’s sunset is gorgeous. I can’t wait to go exploring tomorrow…but…no horses, okay? I’m not ready to go there, just yet.”

  She really does seem to be shit scared of horses. Laughing, I say, “They aren’t that bad, Sweetheart. If you’re not ready, I’m not going to force you. We will go exploring in the buggy, okay? I’ll pack us a picnic lunch; we can eat by the dam. The house is centred at the back of the property, so we will go look at the left side of the property tomorrow. We will go around the right side, later on through the week, sound good?”

  Giggling she says, “Okay I believe you. Hell yeah, I can’t wait. Now, do I get to see where we’ll be sleeping?”

  Wait! What? She wants to sleep with me, in my room? Shit this is going to be harder than I thought. Inside though, I don’t give a fuck how hard it’s going to be for me. I’m ecstatic that she wants to sleep in the same bed as me. Spinning Asha around, I bow to her and extend my arm, “Right this way.” Taking ahold of her hand, I lead her back down the hallway, towards the lounge room. Just before we get to the lounge room, I stop and say, “Over here.”

  Asha looks a little perplexed when she says, “I don’t understand, Zeke. Where is your bedroom?” I point upwards to a platform that looks as if it’s floating, but it’s not. It’s just very clever building. Asha follows to where I’m pointing, and says, “Holy shit.” Quickly covering her mouth, she says, “Sorry, I’m a little shocked, that’s all. It’s so well hidden; I didn’t even notice when we walked in. So…ummm…how are we meant to get up there?”

  Chuckling, I lead Asha over to the corner of the room and point to the stairs. They are tucked away. On both sides are shelves filled with books and magazines. “I had them designed into the corner, so no one would run into them, and there’s more space. Up here, ladies first.”

  Slapping me on the arm and pointing at herself she laughs, “No way. Me-dress.” Then pointing at me, “You-jeans. You didn’t really think I would fall for that?”

  Faking an “I don’t know what you’re talking about look”, I say, “Who me? Of course not. I’m a complete gentleman, I didn’t even notice what you were wearing.” Like she fucking would fall for that, but I love this back and forth flirting we have.

  Asha bursts out laughing, “Bullshit! Zeke, I think you need to work on that innocent look you have going on. It just isn’t working for ya, buddy.” Winking, “Now, move that sexy arse and lead the way.”

  Fucking Cheeky. She’s going to kill me. I start climbing the stairs, “Gladly.” Asha lets out a loud wolf whistle, it makes me laugh. I love that she can be shy one minute, and the next minute, she’s the naughty girl from the pub. “Glad you think so, Asha. You’ve got a sweet looking arse, too.” As I reach the top, I walk over and lay down on my bed with my arms under my head. I’m dog tired, even after the nap I had at the doc’s place. I look over to top of the stairs; Asha reaches the top step but doesn’t lift her foot high enough, almost tripping herself over. She rights herself in time. Fucking lucky, I wouldn’t have been able to catch her. “Shit! Are you alright, Asha?”

  Flustered, she says, “OH MY GOD! No. I can’t believe that just happened. That was humiliating. Thank God I didn’t fall on my face. Geez, I think I have two left feet. Maybe it’ll be better if I sleep in one of the rooms downstairs, I don’t want to fall up here.” Pointing over her shoulder, “Or, down there.”

  Damn it, what can I say to make her change her mind, and sleep up here? No, it will be better with her using one of the bedrooms downstairs. I don’t want her to injure herself climbing down to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Sighing, I say, “Yeah, you’re right, it would probably be safer for you downstairs. I would hate it if you slipped or tripped on those stairs on the way up, or down, especially in the dark. It can get a bit tricky if you don’t know your way around. Come on, I’ll help you down.” She shocks me. I get no argument when I climb down first; an even bigger shock when Asha comes down, dress and all. I make sure to keep my eyes looking down to the side, as much as possible. It’s fucking hard; all I want to do is check out that sweet, heart shaped arse of hers. I don’t want to upset her either. I still give her a low wolf whistle as I say, “Damn, Beauty, I’m dying here, I’m trying so damn hard to be a gentleman for you.”

  I hear Asha snort, “Pffttt, yeah right, Hot Stuff, I’m sure you’ve kept your eyes down the whole time, especially after that little whistle of yours.”

  As soon as Asha hits the last step, I lift her into my arms; her arms going
straight around my neck as she cuddles into me. Holding her close, I kiss her softly on the top of her head. Walking us down the hallway, I open the door to the closest bedroom. I walk over to the bed, laying her down gently. Stepping back, I take in the view. Asha is beautiful, her hair is long, tied up but messy from our wall session earlier; she still looks hot. Her tits bounce even though I wasn’t rough when I put her down. Fuck! I just want to lick, bite and suck those perfect titties. Shit, I need to get ahold of myself, and walk away, before I tear all of her clothes off. My brain is telling me to have my fucking way with her… that I need to have my way with her. Asha is staring at me with so much trust in her eyes. It’s in that moment I realise just how oblivious and innocent she is. Thoughts of how she’s going to react, once she finds out what I’ve done start flowing through my head. I need to get out of here, now. Turning, I start to head out of the room, when I hear Asha.

  “Wait, Zeke, what’s wrong? Where are you going?”

  Grabbing the doorframe, I struggle for a moment. I need to get myself and my feelings under control. It’s taking a shitload of will power not to turn around and look at her right now. I know if I look into those beautiful, innocent eyes, I’ll break down; admitting to every bad thing I’ve ever done, including plotting and kidnapping her. Gritting my teeth, I stare at the door across from me, and say, “I’m going to get dinner started, while you go and have a nice, hot, relaxing bath.”

  I don’t wait around for her reply; I just walk fucking fast out to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, I see all the ingredients I need to make a couple of pizzas. I turn the oven on, grab the frozen pizza bases out, and begin to chop up the ingredients. Once I’m done, I put the pizzas together, chuck them in the oven, set the timer, and make my way over to the lounge. I need to turn my fucking brain off, now. Asha is going to fucking hate me. If she ever finds out what I’ve done; what I’ve kept from her. I’ve kept her from her family, for fuck sake. I’m an evil bastard. I’m going to hell. I’m an arsehole for keeping her here. Because of my selfish ways; it’s going to end badly for me, I can feel it. Shaking my head, I turn the TV on. Flicking through the channels, I find a movie to watch, and hopefully, take my mind off everything.

  Chapter 23


  I can feel the tears building. As soon as Zeke walked out of the room, without a backwards glance, they started to fall. I don’t understand what the hell just happened. Everything was kind of perfect, all of the flirting, laughing, and chatting. Then, all of a sudden, it was like he wasn’t with me anymore. His face was blank, but I could also see the anger he was holding back. The anger looked to be directed at himself; I’m at a loss as to what changed, why he just switched. When he turned his back on me, it hurt like hell. It was as if he couldn’t stand to look at me any longer. What the hell happened? I don’t understand. I’m such a fool for thinking he was falling for me as much as I’m falling for him, fucking idiot, Asha.

  Wiping my eyes quickly, the tears are falling faster. The last thing I want is for Zeke to come walking back into the room, to find me crying, again. My emotions are up and down. Since the accident, I feel like I have no control over them; it’s starting to get out of hand. I feel like a fool, almost every little thought makes me teary. Zeke may have just wanted to leave me to my own thoughts for a while, or like he said, get dinner going before it was too late to cook. Here I am getting overly upset and stressed over a look, and him not looking at me. Can anyone say drama queen? No wonder, that’s probably why he needs a break. Again, my brain is going overboard. Shit, brain, I need you to switch off, now.

  I need to go for a shower and relax. Standing up, I walk down the hallway to the bathroom. Walking into the bathroom is…it’s bloody heaven. There’s a huge bath with the old claw feet, and old style plumbing. The walls are dark stone. The shower looks like it could fit eight to ten people in it, the walls in there dark stone, as well. It looks like a small waterfall. A solid glass wall separates the shower, from the room; it’s not a door, it just stops the water from splashing out. The glass can be turned from frosted to clear by a switch. The shower head is turned on with your foot, by a button on the floor; the temperature is automatic. I want to climb into the bath, but the shower looks better for tonight. I’m so tired; I don’t want to fall asleep in there.

  As I let the hot water run over my body, I start to think about the accident. I still cannot remember anything that happened, before or after, except for Zeke. It’s frustrating as hell. I really hope that relaxing out here, in the bush, will make all of my memories come back. Thinking about my family has me imagining so many horrible things. They must be distraught right now, not being able to find me, or knowing what has happened. I feel shattered. My heart breaks; how I wish I could just remember anything right now, anything at all.

  The smell of food snaps me out of my thoughts; I’m so hungry, my stomach starts to growl. Tapping the control on the floor, the shower turns off. I hop out, wrapping a towel around my body. Far out. Clothes would have been great, Asha. Slapping my hand against my head. I was too busy thinking about Zeke earlier, to grab clothes when I came in here. Bloody hell. I rush out of the bathroom, quickly making my way to the room. I hurriedly get dressed.

  As I walk into the lounge room I see the TV is on and there’s a chick flick playing. Ha-ha, Zeke likes girly movies, good man. It was a good thought, until I walk closer, finding him fast asleep on the lounge. I can hear a small snoring noise coming from him. It’s cute, but I really hope he’s not a loud snorer. Who am I kidding? I’m not sleeping in his bed, anyway. Oh, how I would love to have sleep next to Zeke, he’s sexy as sin and so, damn, hot. I feel the need to fan myself anytime I’m around him. I feel like a schoolgirl again, with one of those stupid over the top crushes.

  I’m still staring at him when the oven timer goes off. I jump because it scares the crap out of me. Laughing a little, I manage to pull myself together. Peeking down at Zeke, he’s still asleep, so I walk into the kitchen, grab a tea towel and open the oven. A delicious smelling steam wafts out of the oven. Inspecting the oven after the steam has gone, I see that Zeke has made two homemade pizzas. Damn can this man get any hotter? He is gorgeous, caring, has a great personality, and an amazing house. He wasn’t lying when he said he could cook. Holy shit, he’s every woman’s dream. Taking both of the pizzas out of the oven, I sit them on top to let them cool. Putting the tea towel down, I debate whether I should wake Zeke up, or leave him sleeping. Still thinking about what to do, I open the fridge to see what there is to drink with dinner. Taking a peek inside the fridge, I see there’s a couple of beers, juice, or some water. I take out the water; I can’t have any alcohol with the pain medication. Placing the water on the bench, I take a quick walk around the kitchen gathering the glasses and plates we’ll need. I slice up the pizza, and move everything over to the coffee table, in front of the TV. Satisfied I’ve brought everything we need over, I kneel down in front of Zeke. Rubbing his thigh, in a hushed tone I say, “Zeke, Zeke. Dinner is ready, Zeke.”

  Zeke jumps. “Shit, the food, it’s gonna burn.”

  With my hand still on his thigh, “Slow down, Zeke, the food is fine. I’ve already gotten it out. It’s all here on the table. Are you alright? Do you want to go have a shower before we eat?”

  Zeke rubs his eyes and then scrubs his hands over his face. He looks down at me with a small smile, places his hand on top of mine and squeezes gently, “You’re amazing, Asha, really…amazing, do you know that?”

  I’m a little taken aback, but gather myself quickly. I’m confused at his hot and cold personalities. I don’t answer his question. Waving a hand at the food on the table, “We better eat before the food goes cold.”

  I make a move to stand up, but Zeke grips my hand a little tighter this time, “You don’t have to answer me, Asha, I just wanted you to know that I think you’re an amazing person, that’s all.” Letting go of my hand he says, “I’m going to grab a quick shower, you can eat now, though.” Lift
ing myself off the floor, I turn my head to look at him, but he’s already walking towards the shower. I turn back to the lounge, and take a seat. Looking over at the food, I’m not really hungry anymore. It’s the second time Zeke has walked away from me. Deciding that I’m not going to eat, I take everything back over to the kitchen, and put everything away except my glass of water, which I carry with me into my room. Closing the door behind me, I put the glass of water down and climb into bed. Reaching over, I take my pills with a sip of water. I switch the light off, roll over and am asleep before I know it.

  Chapter 24


  Stepping under the hot water, I place my fists on the wall and lean my head on them. I can’t fucking think, of anything. All I can find there is guilt, it’s building by the day. Every look, every wink, every fucking smile Asha gives me adds more to the stack on my shoulders. The weight of it seems to be taking over; I’m finding it hard to look at Asha without knowing what I have done is so fucking wrong. I need to get her back to Vince. After this week is out, I’ll figure something out. I don’t want her here when her memories come back. I can’t believe how fast my decision has turned, but the way she was looking at me earlier, is killing me. I don’t think I can handle what’s coming, the look that will grace her beautiful face when that first lot of memories comes back. When she realises what I’ve done. At least this way she will see I took her back or led her back to her family. Fuck, who am I kidding? She will never see it any other way, except the fucking arsehole who could have, and should have called her brother, straight away. Instead, he took her away from the people who love her. I think I’m falling in love with this girl; I can’t be sure, it’s only been a few days. I don’t know if I only have these feelings for her because she was close to death. It’s fucking with my head, I need space. I think I’ll head over to the clubhouse after Asha has fallen asleep. I need…this is bullshit. I don’t know what the fuck I want. All I know is; I’m being a fucking selfish piece of shit. Asha deserves a hell of a lot better than me.